@inproceedings{rothe2021spatial, title = {Spatial Sound Concepts for F-Formations in Social VR}, author = {Sylvia Rothe and Robin Welsch and Sven Mayer}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {In the Proceedings of the 2021 Social VR Workshop - A New Medium for Remote Communication and Collaboration}, url = {https://sven-mayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/rothe2021spatial.pdf}, date = {2021-05-07}, abstract = {Directional audio is key for fluent conversations in the virtual world. To allow directional audio, F-formations (facing formations) are core to understand the constellation between conversation partners. We present our approach to developing a sound concept in Social VR based on F-formations. For this, we introduce several F-formations and explain requirements for the sound design. We discuss our first experiences in observing several communication situations.}, keywords = {social, virtual reality} }