@inproceedings{weber2024from, title = {From Computational to Conversational Notebooks}, author = {Thomas Weber and Sven Mayer}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st CHI Workshop on Human-Notebook Interactions}, publisher = {Online}, address = {Honolulu, HI, USA}, url = {https://sven-mayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/weber2024from.pdf}, date = {2024-05-11}, abstract = {Today, we see a drastic increase in LLM-based user interfaces to support users in various tasks. Also, in programming, we witness a productivity boost with features like LLM-supported code completion and conversational agents to generate code. In this work, we look at the future of computational notebooks by enriching them with LLM support. We propose a spectrum of support, from simple inline code completion to executable code that was the output of a conversation. We showcase five concrete examples for potential user interface designs and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. With this, we hope to inspire the future development of LLM-supported computational notebooks.}, keywords = {intelligent user interface, large language model} }