@inproceedings{windl2023understanding, title = {Understanding and Mitigating Technology-Facilitated Privacy Violations in the Physical World}, author = {Maximiliane Windl and Verena Winterhalter and Albrecht Schmidt and Sven Mayer}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, series = {CHI '23}, doi = {10.1145/3544548.3580909}, url = {https://sven-mayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/windl2023understanding.pdf}, date = {2023-04-23}, abstract = {We are constantly surrounded by technology that collects and processes sensitive data, paving the way for privacy violations. Yet, current research investigating technology-facilitated privacy violations in the physical world is scattered and focused on specific scenarios or investigates such violations purely from an expert's perspective. Informed through a large-scale online survey, we first construct a scenario taxonomy based on user-experienced privacy violations in the physical world through technology. We then validate our taxonomy and establish mitigation strategies using interviews and co-design sessions with privacy and security experts. In summary, this work contributes (1) a refined scenario taxonomy for technology-facilitated privacy violations in the physical world, (2) an understanding of how privacy violations manifest in the physical world, (3) a decision tree on how to inform users, and (4) a design space to create notices whenever adequate. With this, we contribute a conceptual framework to enable a privacy-preserving technology-connected world.}, keywords = {privacy} }