@article {stachl2019, author = {Stachl, Clemens and Au, Jiew-Quay and Schoedel, Ramona and Buschek, Daniel and V{\"o}lkel, Sarah Theres and Schuwerk, Tobias and Oldemeier, Michelle and Ullmann, Theresa and Hussmann, Heinrich and Bischl, Bernd and B{\"u}hner, Markus}, title = {Behavioral Patterns in Smartphone Usage Predict Big Five Personality Traits}, journal = {Submitted, arxiv pre-print}, url = {https://psyarxiv.com/ks4vd/}, doi = {10.31234/osf.io/ks4vd}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, keywords = {behavior, big five, interpretable machine learning, machine learning, mobile-sensing, personality, smartphones, trait-prediction}, }