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![]() Supporting Mobile Service Usage through Physical Mobile Interaction Demo at the 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2007), White Plains, NY, USA, March 20, 2007, IEEE PERCOM BEST DEMO AWARD 2007 |
The proposed demonstration will present a generic framework that takes advantage of Physical Mobile Interaction in order to leverage and facilitate mobile interaction with Web Services. Physical Mobile Interaction is an interaction paradigm that is based a) on the increasing augmentation of everyday objects with information through technologies such as RFID, NFC (Near Field Communication) or visual markers and b) on the increasing capabilities of mobile devices to acquire and process this information. The presented framework leverages mobile interaction with Web Services, as it exploits their semantically extended descriptions for the automatic generation of adaptable mobile user interfaces. These interfaces in turn support Physical Mobile Interaction with objects and associated services. For that purpose, we push service options off mobile phones onto everyday objects (e.g. posters, see Figure 1) and exploit the more intuitive and convenient interaction with them. Instead of having to browse glutted menus, users simply interact with physical objects by touching or pointing at them with their mobile phones (see Figure 1), thus acquiring information and using it for the invocation of associated services. For more details on the framework and the PERCI (PERvasive ServiCe Interaction) project for which it has been developed, please see the PERCI website and the paper "Supporting Mobile Service Usage through Physical Mobile Interaction" that has been accepted for PerCom 2007. |