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Daniel Buschek
Computational Instruments: Concept-level Tools for Collaboration with Intelligent Interactive Systems In CHI '18 workshop: Rethinking Interaction: From instrumental interaction to human-computer partnerships. Montreal, QC, Canada, April 22, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
I propose to leverage computational intelligence to elevate digital instruments to a more abstract role- and concept-level (think "builder" instead of "hammer"). Such Computational Instruments (CIs) reify roles of contributing intelligence to a task. To inspire these CIs, I first present a framework for structuring the distribution of roles in (creative) tasks among human and machine "thinking". By varying these role assignments, I generate design patterns giving rise to different kinds of CIs. I describe examples which I envision and discuss as reusable future tools to be employed and appropriated across currently common boundaries of applications, devices, and fixed control settings. |