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Michael Chromik
Making SHAP Rap: Bridging Local and Global Insights through Interaction and Narratives In 18th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'21). (bib) |
The interdisciplinary field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to foster human understanding of black-box machine learning models through explanation-generating methods. In practice, Shapley explanations are widely used. However, they are often presented as visualizations and thus leave their interpretation to the user. As such, even ML experts have difficulties interpreting them appropriately. On the other hand, combining visual cues with textual rationales has been shown to facilitate understanding and communicative effectiveness. Further, the social sciences suggest that explanations are a social and iterative process between the explainer and the explainee. Thus, interactivity should be a guiding principle in the design of explanation facilities. Therefore, we (i) briefly review prior research on interactivity and naturalness in XAI, (ii) designed and implemented the interactive explanation interface SHAPRap that provides local and global Shapley explanations in an accessible format, and (iii) evaluated our prototype in a formative user study with 16 participants in a loan application scenario. We believe that interactive explanation facilities that provide multiple levels of explanations offer a promising approach for empowering humans to better understand a model's behavior and its limitations on a local as well as global level. With our work, we inform designers of XAI systems about human-centric ways to tailor explanation interfaces to end users. |