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Fabian Hennecke, Raphael Wimmer, Eduard Vodicka, Andreas Butz
Vertibles: Using Vacuum Self-Adhesion to Create a Tangible User Interface for Arbitrary Interactive Surfaces In Proceedings of the 6th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI 2012, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, February 19 - 22, 2012 |
We present Vertibles, a set of Tangible User Interface (TUI) objects employing a vacuum-based adhesion effect. This effect allows attaching them to arbitrarily inclined surfaces, bringing the benefit of TUIs to vertical interactive surfaces. In contrast to other vertically attachable TUIs, Vertibles stick to a wide range of surface materials and work with optical as well as electric object tracking techniques for interactive surfaces. We present an overview of approaches for sticking objects onto vertical surfaces, describe the technical principle and properties of our solution, and document implementation details of a number of Vertibles prototypes. |