Publication Details
Axel Hoesl
Promoting Stress-Resistance - Catastrophe Management on a Curved Display Diploma Thesis, LMU Munich, 2013. (bib) |
In a preceding thesis low-resolution low-fidelity and low-resolution high-fidelity paper-prototypes of a user interface concept for catastrophe-management were evaluated. The findings propose future iterations and evaluation of the concept ahead of an actual implementation. The concept is explicitly built for the Curve interface, allowing multi-touch interaction in a surface seamlessly combining vertical and horizontal work-space. The interface development aims for an efficient and yet unobtrusive interface addressing the finding that the design of the control room of examined coordination center follows an approach to promote the stress-resistance of the controllers. A future implementation of such a system only seems realistic if the demands made by the environments and the users can be met. Therefore an iterative user-centered design process is followed developing a graphical user interface (GUI) for an operation-control-system and the system is evaluated by experts users. As this is one of the first user-centered approaches to develop a two-dimensional graphical user-interface of a larger dimension with multi-touch-interaction on a vertically curved display - according to the authorâs knowledge - challenges faced on the way are also observed and documented so that future approaches might avoid or surpass them. Additionally technical considerations of challenges of a later implementation are outlined. In conjuction with |