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Karin Leichtenstern, Enrico Rukzio, Alexander De Luca
Analysis of Built-in Mobile Phone Sensors for Supporting Interactions with the Real World Workshop Permid 2005 in conjunction with Pervasive 2005, Munich, Germany, May 11 2005. |
There is currently a lot of research going on in the field of mobile interaction with the real world. So far, the environment where the mobile phone is used is mainly perceived as an unpleasant and disturbing factor. Therefore it has rarely been used as a part of the interaction. But on the other hand there is a huge potential for new kinds of the interactions and novel services. Until now, mostly sophisticated and novel hardware has been used for the development of prototypes. In this paper we investigate which sensors are already built-in in modern mobile phones and analyze how they can be employed in real world interactions. Our focus is on investigating how mobile phone sensors can be accessed using the J2ME platform. We analyze the performance and quality of the recorded media data, and where it can be processed. Finally, we conclude with a discussion on what can already be accomplished with todays mobile phones and which new functions are potentially desired. |