Publication Details
Christina Schneegaß, Fiona Draxler
Designing Task Resumption Cues for Interruptions in Mobile Learning Scenarios In Technology-Augmented Perception and Cognition, Dingler, T. and Niforatos, E. (Eds.), Springer Cham. (bib) |
Learning on a mobile device in everyday settings makes users particularlysusceptible for interruptions. Guidance (memory) cues can be implemented to sup-port users in resuming a learning task after a distraction. These cues can take a widerange of forms and designs and, to work effectively, need to be carefully adapted tothe mobile learning use case. In this work, we present a structured in-depth literaturereview on task resumption support for mobile devices. In particular, we propose adesign space based on 30 carefully chosen publications to highlight well-evaluateddesign ideas as well as currently underrepresented research directions. Furthermore,we evaluate causes of interruptions in the domain of mobile learning and derive de-sign ideas for task resumption support on mobile devices. To this end, we conductedtwo focus groups with HCI experts (N=4) and users of mobile learning applica-tions (N=3). Based on literature review, focus groups, and further related work,we discuss ideas and research gaps for task resumption cues in mobile learning. Wederive six design guidelines to support researchers and designers of mobile learningapplications and emphasize promising research directions and open questions |