Mobile devices have become a part of our everyday lives as most people rely on mobile phones, smart phones or PDAs as personal and pervasive communication devices. So far, mobile interaction mostly takes place between users, their mobile devices and basic services like phone calls, text messages or organizer functionalities.
Over the last years, there has been an increasing interested in extending the interaction between users and mobile devices to the interaction with objects from the everyday world. This development has benefited from the pervasiveness of technologies for the augmentation of people, places and things with additional information. Complementary, mobile devices have been established as ubiquitous computing platforms that provide the technologies to capture, process and use this information. For example, people can use their mobile phones to take pictures of visual markers and have their codes recognized. The usage of RFID/NFC is gaining in popularity as it can reduce payment, identification or access control to simply swiping a mobile phone over a reader. Mobile interaction with places - using e.g. GPS or cell positioning - is the foundation for location based services. Other areas of application that could benefit from this new kind of mobile interaction are smart objects such as advertisement posters, vending machines, pervasive gaming, mobile services or information systems, e.g. in museums or at exhibitions.
Following the success of Mobile Interaction with the Real World; at MobileHCI 2006, we would like to continue this workshop as a forum that concentrates on mobile interactions with real world objects. Among the questions that come up in this area of research are:
- Which kinds of interactions with the real world exist?
- What technologies can be used to implement mobile interaction with the real world?
- How can real world objects and services be described?
- How should systems and services for this kind of mobile interactions be designed?
- What should these user interfaces look like?
- What does the interaction design and usability look like for mobile interaction with physical objects?
- Can these interfaces be generated automatically?
- Should real world services be defined in a standardized way (e.g. with semantic web services)?
- How can real world objects be associated with new services?
- Which issues concerning privacy and security arise from this new kind of mobile interaction?
Possible topics for the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- Interactions between mobile devices and objects from the real world
- Automatic user interface generation
- Semantic Web within mobile applications and interactions
- Security and privacy aspects
- Using mobile devices as user interfaces for terminals and vending machines
- Using objects from the real world as pervasive interfaces extending interfaces on mobile devices
- Guidelines for mobile interactions with the real world
- Authoring support for physical mobile applications
- Multimodal interaction taking mobile devices into account
- Usage of sensors of mobile devices (camera, microphone, GPS, etc.) for pervasive applications
- Interaction metaphors for pervasive applications and services
- Applications and scenarios
Joint Schedule for MIRW and MGuides
Every presentation will last 20 minutes including a ca. 15 minutes talk and ca. 5 minutes discussion. Please see below for details on the different talks including the papers. You can also download the complete proceedings of the MIRW / MGuides 2007 workshop (PDF) or the technical report provided by LMU (PDF).
Augmenting the City with Fiction: Fictional Requirements for Mobile Guides Jesper Kjeldskov, Jeni Paay (Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark)
A Multimodal Mobile Museum Guide for All Carmen Santoro, Fabio Paterno, Giulia Ricci, Barbara Leporini (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Heritage & Habitus: Designing to Support Situated, Living Knowledge Nicola J Bidwell (James Cook University, Australia), truna aka j.turner (Australasian CRC for Interaction, Design Pty Ltd. QUT, Brisbane, Australia), Jason Holdsworth, Colin Lemmon, Michael Shay (Discipline of IT, Cairns, Australia)
Coffee break: 10:30 - 11:00
Traffic Advisories Based on Route Prediction Kari Torkkola, Keshu Zhang, Haifeng Li, Harry Zhang, Christopher Schreiner, Mike Gardner (Motorola, Intelligent Systems Lab, USA)
A Gaze-based Guidance System based on a Real-world 3D Photo Logging System Rieko Kadobayashi (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
A Mock-up System for the Early Testing of Location Based Services Florian Klompmaker, Claudius Stern (University of Paderborn, Germany), Christian Reimann, Holger Santelmann (Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Germany)
Demonstrating Coherent Interactions between Personal Mobile Devices and Situated Installations Ben Bedwell, Boriana Koleva (Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham, UK)
Lunch: 12:30 - 14:00
Contextual Bookmarks Niels Henze (OFFIS, Germany), Mingyu Lim (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Andreas Lorenz (FHG-FIT, Germany), Michael Mueller (Lancaster University, UK), Xavier Righetti (VRlab, Switzerland), Enrico Rukzio (Lancaster University, UK), Andreas Zimmermann (FHG-FIT, Germany), Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Susanne Boll (University of Oldenburg, Germany), Daniel Thalmann (VRlab, Switzerland)
Bluetooth Familiarity: Methods of Calculation, Applications and Limitations Barry Lavelle, Daragh Byrne, Cathal Gurrin, Alan F. Smeaton, Gareth J.F. Jones (Centre for Digital Video Processing, Dublin City University, Ireland)
Semantic Integration and Language Access to Mobile Data Raimondas Lencevicius, Alexander Ran (Nokia Research Center Cambridge, USA)
Coffee break: 15:30 - 16:00
Koubachi: A Mobile Phone Widget to Enable Affective Communication with Indoor Plants Philipp Bolliger, Benedikt Ostermaier (Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Swiss Army Knife meets Camera Phone: Tool Selection and Interaction using Visual Markers Christian Kray (Informatics Research Institute, Newcastle University, UK), Michael Rohs (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany)
Mediating Multi-Party Negotiation Through Marker-Based Tracking of Mobile Phones Michael Rohs (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany), Christian Kray (Informatics Research Institute, Newcastle University, UK)
Gregor Broll, University of Munich (Germany),
gregor.broll (at)
Alexander De Luca, University of Munich (Germany), (at)
Enrico Rukzio, Lancaster University (UK),
rukzio (at)
Chie Noda, NTT DoCoMo, Inc. (Japan),
noda (at)
Paul Wisner, Nokia Research Center (USA), Paul.Wisner (at)
Important Dates
13 July, 2007 (CLOSED): Deadline for submissions of workshop papers
23 July, 2007: Notification of acceptance for workshop papers
31 July, 2007: Early Registration Deadline
25 August, 2007: Deadline for preparing camera-ready copies
9 September, 2007: Mobile interaction with the real world workshop at MobileHCI 2007
Workshop Venue Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Block T15, Specific room will only be allocated on the actual day (Please refer to diagram) Please register at the front of the auditorium by 8.30 am on 9 September 2007 Please see the MobileHCI 2007 website for more informaiton about the venue of the conference and the workshop |
The main goal of the workshop is to develop an understanding of how mobile devices can be used when interacting with the real world. We will provide a forum to share information, results, and ideas on current research in this area.
In addition we aim at the development and dissemination of new ideas on how mobile phones can be exploited for new ways of interacting with the environment. We will bring together researchers and practitioners who are concerned with design, development, and implementation of new applications and services using personal mobile devices as user interfaces.
Workshop Format
The workshop will feature presentation of research results, ongoing work, ideas, concepts, and critical questions related to the use of mobile devices as user interfaces in the real world. Every presentation will be followed by a corresponding discussion. Furthermore we invite the presenters to show their demonstrators during their presentation and in the breaks.
Participation & Process
The number of participants should be limited to 30 people. Prospective authors are invited to submit their contribution, in PDF format conform to the ACM SIG Proceedings format, electronically to gregor.broll (at) no later than 29 June, 2007. The organizers will select circa 10 papers for presentation at the workshop. Papers should have a length of about 3-4 pages. Everybody who wants to participate in the workshop (actively: as presenter of an accepted paper, passively as audience and discussant) has to register on the corresponding conference webpage.
Mobile Interaction with the Real World will provide printed and online proceedings as well as a technical report published by the University of Munich.
Mobile Interaction with the Real World will be held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2007) in Singapor. For more information about the main conference, refer to The actual workshop will take place on 9 September 2007.
