2020 |
Romy Gruber
Skalierbare Kommunikationslösungen zwischen Fußgängern und automatisierten Fahrzeugen in Smart Cities
bachelor thesis, German, 25.11.2019 - 13.04.2020, Advisor: Kai Holländer
2019 |
Jennifer Busta
An Adaptive Head-Up Display to Support Non-Driving Activities in Semi-Automated Vehicles
master thesis, English, 10.06.2019 - 15.12.2019, Advisor: Lewis Chuang , Kai Holländer
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Kai Holländer
Understanding the Influence of Non-Driving-Related Activities on the Quality of Take-Over-Requests
master thesis, Advisor: Bastian Pfleging
Samuel Eiler
Staging Restorative Environments in Highly Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Johannes Zech
Combining Virtual Reality and the Steering Wheel for Interaction in Automated Vehicles
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Jessica Ma
Improve Situation Awareness in Highly Automated Driving through Restorative Means
project thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Puzhen Li
Staging an Environment of Soft Fascinations in Highly Automated Driving
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Jing Han
Introducing Automated Driving to the Generation 50+ through User-Centered Design
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li, Kai Holländer