Enabling Temperature Sensations In VR Using Encountered-Type Haptics
BT/MT, Advisor: Steeven Villa, Florian Müller
Enhancing Action Detection for Robot Curiosity: Integrating Online and Offline Learning
master thesis, Advisor: Jan Leusmann, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Eliciting Expressions for On-Task Communication for a Humanoid Robot
master thesis, Advisor: Jan Leusmann, Steeven Villa, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Exploring the Design Dimensions of Curiosity for Robots
BA/MA, Advisor: Jan Leusmann
Curious Non-verbal Communication for Humanoid Robots
master thesis, Advisor: Jan Leusmann
Facial Expressions and Communication Patterns in Robots: A Face Design
master thesis, Advisor: Jan Leusmann
Questionnaire Development to Assess Curiosity
BA/MA, Advisor: Jan Leusmann, Steeven Villa
Markus Friesenegger
Exploring Human-Drone Interaction
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Dr. Mohammad Obaid, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Caroline Pham
Design und Evaluierung von intuitiven Programmierschnittstellen für industrielle Roboter
bachelor thesis, English, 16.01.2015 - 15.06.2015, Advisor: Axel Hösl