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Daniel Buschek, Florian Alt, Michael Spitzer
Video-Recording Your Life: User Perception and Experiences In CHI '15 EA: Extended Abstracts of the 33nd SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 18 - 23, 2015. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
Video recording is becoming an integral part of our daily activities: Action cams and wearable cameras allow us to capture scenes of our daily life effortlessly. This trend generates vast amounts of video material impossible to review manually. However, these recordings also contain a lot of information potentially interesting to the recording individual and to others. Such videos can provide a meaningful summary of the day, serving as a digital extension to the user's human memory. They might also be interesting to others as tutorials (e.g. how to change a flat tyre). As a first step towards this vision, we present a survey assessing the users' view and their video recording behavior. Findings were used to inform the design of a prototype based on off-the-shelf components, which allows users to create meaningful video clips of their daily activities in an automated manner by using their phone and any wearable camera. We conclude with a preliminary, qualitative study showing the feasibility and potential of the approach and sketch future research directions. |