Media Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction Groups
The Media Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction Groups of the Department of Informatics of the University of Munich are headed by the chair of Applied Informatics and Media Informatics (Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer) as well as the chair of Human-Computer Interaction (Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz). Together with the chair for Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media (Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt) we are responsible for the program "Medieninformatik" at the University of Munich.
Tony Zhang, Sebastian Feger, Lucas Dullenkopf, Rulu Liao, Lou Süsslin, Yuanting Liu, Andreas Butz
Beyond Recommendations: From Backward to Forward AI Support of Pilots' Decision-Making Process
Beyond Recommendations: From Backward to Forward AI Support of Pilots' Decision-Making Process
Luke Haliburton, Jan Leusmann, Robin Welsch, Sinksar Ghebremedhin, Petros Isaakidis, Albrecht Schmidt, Sven Mayer
Uncovering Labeler Bias in Machine Learning Annotation Tasks
Uncovering Labeler Bias in Machine Learning Annotation Tasks