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Daniel Buschek, Sarah Theres Völkel, Clemens Stachl, Lukas Mecke, Sarah Prange, Ken Pfeuffer
Experience Sampling as Information Transmission: Perspective and Implications In Ubicomp '18 workshop: Mobile Human Contributions: Opportunities and Challenges. Singapore, October 8, 2018. (bib) |
We propose Information Transmission as a novel perspective on the mobile Experience Sampling Method (ESM) to frame a research agenda with a sharpened focus on increasing data quality in ESM studies. In this view, good experience sampling transmits valid, relevant, and "noise-free" information from users' in-situ experiences to remote researchers. We identify key transmission channels, which motivate combinations of objective and subjective data (i.e. device sensors and machine learning, plus asking users). We discuss opportunities and challenges, and give examples from our previous and ongoing work on ESM tools. |