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Max Pfeiffer, Stefan Schneegass, Florian Alt
Supporting Interaction in Public Space with Electrical Muscle Stimulation In Ubicomp '13: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Zurich, Switzerland, September 08-12, 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 5-8. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2215-7. (bib) |
As displays in public space are augmented with sensors, such as the Kinect, they enable passersby to interact with the content on the screen. As of today, feedback on the user action in such environments is usually limited to the visual channel. However, we believe that more immediate and intense forms, in particular haptic feedback, do not only increase the user experience, but may also have a strong impact on user attention and memorization of the content encountered during the interaction. Haptic feedback can today be achieved through vibration on the mobile phone, which is strongly dependent on the location of the device. We envision that fabrics, such as underwear, can in the future be equipped with electrical muscle stimulation, thus providing a more natural and direct way of haptic feedback. In this demo we aim to showcase the potential of applying electrical muscle stimulation as direct haptic feedback during interaction in public spaces in the context of a Kinect-based game for public displays. |