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Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegaß, Evangelos Niforatos
Designing for Task Resumption Support in Mobile Learning In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Late Breaking Results (ACM), Taipeh, Taiwan, October 2019 (bib) |
Distractions and interruptions often disrupt mobile learners. Luckily, task resumption (memory) cues can support users in resuming a learning task. These cues can have multiple forms and designs, but their effectiveness depends heavily on their adaptation to the specific learning use case. This work explores the causes of interruptions during mobile learning and outlines designs for task resumption support. We report findings from two focus groups with HCI experts (N = 4) and users of mobile learning applications (N = 3). Finally, we discuss these findings by drawing on literature, and we derive a research agenda of currently unexplored concepts. We state limitations and open questions in the domain of task resumption support for mobile learning. |