Publication Details
Jun Gu, Bin Gao, Yuanpeng Chen, Long Jiang, Zhao Gao, Xiaole Ma, Yong Ma, Wai Lok Woo
Wearable Social Sensing and its application in Anxiety Assesment 2017 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC) (bib) |
It is meaningful to assess people's physical and mental health as well as the determination the sense of social behavior of using wearable equipment and analyze their voice and behavioral characteristics. Microphones, accelerometers and gyroscopes are embedded in wearable devices, which provides opportunities for non-invasive monitoring of anxiety and stress in real situation. In this paper, we devise a wearable platform that can be used to calculate and analyze social behavior signals. Experiment results shows that behavioral and linguistic features can show a variety of personal anxiety. This study has potential to objectively determine social behavior consciousness. |