AK3D in other semesters:
WS1617 WS1516 SS15 WS1415 SS14 WS1314 SS13 WS1213 SS12 WS1112 SS11 WS1011 WS0910
WS1617 WS1516 SS15 WS1415 SS14 WS1314 SS13 WS1213 SS12 WS1112 SS11 WS1011 WS0910
Study Group 3D

Person in Charge: N.N.
Hours per week: 2
ECTS credits: none
Module: not assigned to a module
- Hinweis: Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze
The working group 3D deals with current topics about 3D. It gives an insight into complex topics like particle systems, MEL Scripting, nDynamics. The students gain also some knowledge about advanced techniques in modelling, rendering and animation. The students receive no ECTS-credits for this lecture.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- all students that are interested