ZSK in other semesters:
WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314 WS1213 WS1112 WS1011 WS0910
WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314 WS1213 WS1112 WS1011 WS0910
Course Drawing and Sketching of Scenarios

Contact person for organizational topics: Yannick Weiss
Hours per week: 3
ECTS credits: 3
Module:WP 18.1
Dates and Locations
- Location: Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, room D016: https://www.lmu.de/raumfinder/#/building/bw1110/map?room=111000011_
- Date: Updated! Tuesday (April 19th) - Friday (April 22nd), additionally Monday (April 25th), 9am - 5pm (c.t.)
Date: April 18th - 22nd 2022, 9am - 5pm (c.t.)
Bring following material to the course:
- Sketchbook (e.g. textbook DIN-A-4 - without ruling or checked - or notebook)
- Pens up to you (e.g. ballpoint, gel ink, fineliner, marker)
- For practicing: sketch block DIN-A-4 (sketching quality), pencil, sharpener
This course covers the skechting of people and objects in different spatial situations executing different activities. The goal is to be able to quickly draw visual appealing usage scenarios for interactives systems.
The registration is now open via Uni2Work