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Lecture Multimedia im Netz

- Lecturer:
- Johanna Pirker
- Tutorials:
- Thomas Weber, Florian Bemmann
- Hours per week:
- 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
- ECTS credits:
- 6
- Module:
- P5, Multimedia im Netz (für Nebenfach Medieninformatik)
- Language:
- German
The first regular tutorial will be in the week after the first lecture (Nov 9th 2022).
Additionally, we offer an optional Tutorial on Oct. 26th 2022 where we will recap some basics of web programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
The lecture will be held by Johanna Pirker, starting November. The two sessions in October (20th, 27th) will not take place.
Due to the unclear situation about the successor of Prof. Hußmann, we currently cannot provide details about how the lecture will take place.
As soon as we know more, we will update the website accordingly.
This lecture is for minor subject students only (e.g. Kunst und Multimedia)! Major subject students (Media Informatics, Informatics, MMT, ...) can enroll for Online Multimedia.
This lecture cannot be acknowledged as a "Vertiefendes Thema" for Bachelor students of (Media) Informatics.
Dates and Locations
Thursdays, 2-4 PM
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Raum M110 -
Wednesday 6-8 PM
CIP-Pool Amalienstraße. 17
Die Vorlesung befasst sich mit multimedialen Dienstangeboten, die über Datennetze realisiert werden. Die Vorlesung befasst sich mit folgenden Themen:
- Basistechnologie für Web-Anwendungen (HTTP), Multimedia in HTML
- Client-seitige Interaktivität mit JavaScript
- Server-seitige Interaktivität mit PHP
- DOM-Programmierung und jQuery
- Relationale Datenbanken in Web-Anwendungen
- Full-Stack Development
- Web 2.0 und Online-Communities
- Web-Technologie für reale und virtuelle Welten
- Lineare Online-Medien
- Online-Kommunikationsmedien
- Elektronische Bücher
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics as a minor field of study (60 ECTS) - compulsory course in the fifth term
Platforms and Materials
Please register for the course through Uni2Work.