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Lecture Online Multimedia

Tutorials: Alina Hang
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: WP5, Multimedia im Netz (für Master Medieninformatik)
P5, Multimedia im Netz (für Nebenfach Medieninformatik)
Dates and Locations
Lecture: Thursday 10 - 13, Geschw.-Scholl-Platz 1, M 014
- Tutorial:
Monday 16-18 Uhr (Tutor: Simon Ismair)
Monday 18-20 Uhr (nur für Nebenfächler, Tutor: Simon Ismair)
Wednesday 14-16 Uhr (Tutor: Sarah Thiel)
Wednesday 16-18 Uhr (Tutor: Sven Osterwald)
Amalienstr. 17, A 0001 - Programming Help: (Tutor: Sven Osterwald)
Hinweis: Die Programmierberatung findet nur mit Voranmeldung statt. Kontaktieren Sie dazu den entsprechenden Tutor
Wednesday 18-20 Uhr
Amalienstr. 17, A 0001
Exam: 19.02.2014; 10-12 Uhr; Theresienstr., Rooms B138 und B139
Retry Exam: 01.04.2014; 16-18 Uhr; Theresienstr. 39, Room 051
The lecture discusses multimedia services which are realized through data networks (online). Knowledge about data networks is introduced as far as necessary for understanding the lecture, for details students are referred to other lectures on computer networks. The lecture is structured into the following areas:
- Web technologies for interactive multimedia: Server-side interactivity with PHP and Java, asynchronous interactivity in the Web (Ajax), mashups of Web sites
- Content-oriented base technologies: Further technologies required for storing, transferring and processing of multimedia data in the net, including security issues, metadata standards and rights managament
- Multimedia distribution services: e.g. WebRadio, WebTV, electronic books and corresponding base technologies
- Multimedia services for individual communication: e.g. Video and multimedia conferencing technology
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (Diploma, Master) or Informatics (Diploma, Master) being well grounded in topics of Media Informatics
- Students of Media Informatics as a minor field of study (60 ECTS) - compulsory course in the fifth term;
Slides and a podcast of lecture are available here.The podcast (in German) can be subscribed to from iTunes and other podcatcher software.
(*) Diese Vorlesungstermine sind für Nebenfach-Studierende optional; der Stoff ist für das Nebenfach nicht klausurrelevant.
Date | Subject | Slides | Podcast | Examples |
17.10.13 | 1. Introduction and Motivation | Slides 1 | Podcast 1 | |
2. Interactive Web Apps, Part a | Slides 2a | Podcast 2a | ||
24.10.13 | 2. Interactive Web Apps, Part b | Slides 2b | Podcast 2b | |
31.10.13 | 2. Interactive Web Apps, Part c | Slides 2c | Podcast 2c | Beispiel 2c |
07.11.13* | 3. Web Paradigms and Interactivity (AJAX, COMET etc.) |
Slides 3 | Podcast 3 | |
14.11.13* | 4. Web Programming with Java | Slides 4 | Podcast 4 | |
28.11.13 | 5. Communities, the Web and Multimedia | Slides 5 | Podcast 5 | |
05.12.13 | 6. Digital Rights, Part a | Slides 6a | Podcast 6a | |
12.12.13 | 6. Digital Rights, Part b | Slides 6b | Podcast 6b | |
7. Cryptographic Techniques | Slides 7 | Podcast 7 | ||
19.12.13 | 8. Multimedia Content Description | Slides 8 | Podcast 8 | |
09.01.14 | 9. Electronic Books and Magazines | Slides 9 | Podcast 9 | |
16.01.14 | 10. Multimedia Content Management and Distribution | Slides 10 | Podcast 10 | |
23.01.14 | 11. Web Radio, Wb TV and IPTV | Slides 11 | Podcast 11 | |
30.01.14 | 12. Multimedia Conferencing | Slides 12 | Podcast 12 | |
* | 13. Signaling Protocols for Multimedia Communication | Slides 13 | Podcast 13 | |
06.02.14 | 14. Visions and Outlook | Slides 14 | Podcast 14 |