Florian Bemmann
florian.bemmann ät ifi.lmu.de | |
Phone | +49-89 / 2180-75145 This phone number is not in use at the moment, please contact me via email, I will try to reply asap. |
Address | Florian Bemmann LMU Munich Media Informatics Group Frauenlobstr. 7a 80337 Munich, Germany |
Room | 453 (4th floor) |
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Current Research
Mobile Sensing Technology + Privacy
Smartphones and other mobile devices are ubiquitous in many people's everyday lifes. Equipped with lots of sensors and connectivity, it is possible to assess or approximate many aspects about the user's actions, context and environment. Thereby they can be leveraged to collect data for interdisciplinary research, fuel adaptive applications, or feed crowd-based data platforms. In my research I investigate how mobile devices' passive sensing capabilities can be leveraged for the aforementioned purposes, while protecting the user's privacy. That encompasses but is not limited to interaction approaches that include the human more in the data collection process and on-device feature extraction procedures.
Personal Informatics: End User Data Science
Building on the aforementioned area of Mobile Sensing, I in the next step aim to enable the user take make use of their data. Current mobile devices offer only rare options to generate insights from the collected data, the magic usually happens on company servers somewhere in the cloud. I explore projects where users is given the ability to gain insights from their local data themselves. Therefore I am looking for solutions on several uncertainties, e.g. what is technically possible locally on a mobile device with one-person-data at all, or how interactivity can be brought into actually complex prediction procedures.
If you are interested in one of my topics and would like us to collaborate or exchange ideas and thoughts, feel free to contact me - I'd be happy to talk about it!
Further Research Interests
How can Technology Support Sustainable Behavior?
Although the majority of the german population describes themselves as green, fewer people actually behave so [Terlau, Hirsch 2015]. In my research I investigate how technology can help to overcome current barriers hindering sustainable behavior. It includes (among others)
- the study of technology that can increase the awareness of behavior's impact and its quantification
- finding ways to assess information about the footprint of consumption goods, and provide it in an opportune manner
- an investigation of the influence of group dynamics and social context
- the evaluation of insights of the field of Persuasive Technology in the domain of sustainability
If you want to get an overview of my latest research in the area of pro-environmental behaviour, I recommend to watch my talk at the Public Climate School 2020 (in German):
The PhoneStudy project is an interdisciplinary Mobile Sensing research project, brought to life by the chair of Psychological Methods and Assessment, Mediainformatics, and Computational Statistics. Its integral part is the PhoneStudy research app, that assesses behavioral and contextual data of study participants in the wild. The data is then used to investigate the relationships between personality, emotions and people's behavior. As lead developer of the PhoneStudy project I coordinate the development and maintenance of the PhoneStudy apps and infrastructure since November 2018. I've been in charge of technically managing a handful of studies, ranging from university internal ones to collaboration projects across multiple German universities and panelists. In our most recent project we created a german representative benchmark dataset encompassing 800 participants for 3 to 6 months. Furthermore I use the PhoneStudy project as solid basis for most of my mobile sensing based research projects and theseses.
Open Theses and project work
As I am finishing my PhD and might leave the lab this summer, I unfortunately don't have capacity to start further thesis supervisions besides the here listed cosupervisions.
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Open Positions as HiWi and Working Student
2024 | |
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Florian Bemmann, Sven Mayer
The Impact of Data Privacy on Users' Smartphone App Adoption Decisions MobileHCI 2024, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2024, Melbourne, Australia (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Helena Stoll, Sven Mayer
Privacy Slider: Fine-Grain Privacy Control for Smartphones MobileHCI 2024, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2024, Melbourne, Australia (bib) |
2023 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Florian Bemmann, Miriam Halsner, Sven Mayer
A Mixed-Method Exploration into the Mobile Phone Rabbit Hole MobileHCI 2023, Sept. 26 - 29, 2023, Athens, Greece (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann
User-Centered Privacy to Improve User Quantification using Smartphone Sensing MobileHCI 2023, Sept. 26 - 29, 2023, Athens, Greece (bib) |
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Sophia Sakel, Florian Bemmann, Sven Mayer
Exploring Data-Driven Approaches to Support Depression Therapy Workshop on Intelligent Data-Driven Health Interfaces @ Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'23), April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany (bib) |
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Ramona Schödel, Fiona Kunz, Maximilian Bergmann, Florian Bemmann, Markus Bühner, Larissa Sust
Snapshots of Daily Life: Situations Investigated Through the Lens of Smartphone Sensing Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Sven Mayer
User-Centered Sustainable Technology Design: A Reflection on Human-Computer Interaction Research for a Sustainable Society Joint Proceedings of ICT4S 2023 Doctoral Symposium, Demonstrations & Posters Track and Workshops. Co-located with ICT4S 2023. Rennes, France, June 05-09, 2023. (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Carmen Mayer, Sven Mayer
Leveraging Mobile Sensing Technology for Societal Change Towards more Sustainable Behavior Workshop on HCI for Climate Change @ CHI 2023, April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany (bib) |
2022 | |
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Efsun Birtwistle, Ramona Schödel, Florian Bemmann, Astrid Wirth, Christoph Suerig, Clemens Stachl, Markus Bühner, Frank Niklas
Mobile sensing in psychological and educational research: Examples from two application fields International Journal of Testing; Volume 22, 2022 - Issue 3-4: Special Issue on Technology-Based Assessments in Organizational, Psychological, and Educational Research and Applications (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
Interaction Challenges for N-Of-One Experiments based on Mobile Sensing Data Workshop on Grand Challenges in Personal Informatics and AI @ CHI 2022, May 11, 2022, Online (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Maximiliane Windl, Jonas Erbe, Sven Mayer, Heinrich Hussmann
The Influence of Transparency and Control on the Willingness of Data Sharing in Adaptive Mobile Apps MobileHCI 2022, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2022, Vancouver, Canada (bib) |
2021 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Svenja Schött, Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
MEMEories: Internet Memes as Means for Daily Journaling In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021 (DIS '21). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 538-548. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3461778.3462080 (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Diana Irmscher, Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
LYLO - Exploring Disclosed Configurations for Inter-Personal Location Sharing In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI'21 Extended Abstracts), May 8-13, 2021, Yokohama Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek, Heinrich Hussmann
Interactive End-User Machine Learning to Boost Explainability and Transparency of Digital Footprint Data HCXAI Workshop @ CHI 2021, May 08-13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Ramona Schödel, Niels van Berkel, Daniel Buschek
Chatbots for Experience Sampling - Initial Opportunities and Challenges Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2021 Workshops, April 13-17, 2021, College Station, USA (bib) |
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Sarah Aragon Bartsch, Christina Schneegaß, Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
A Day in the Life: Exploring the Use of Scheduled Mobile Chat Messages for Career Guidance 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2021), December 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium (bib) |
2020 | |
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Linda Hirsch, Beat Rossmy, Florian Bemmann, Andreas Butz
Affordances Based on Traces of Use in Urban Environments In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 729-742. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3374920.3375007 (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Heinrich Hussmann
Self-Reflection as a Tool to Foster Profound Sustainable Consumption Decisions ICT4S 2020 Poster, Bristol, UK, June 2020 (bib) |
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Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
LanguageLogger: A Mobile Keyboard Application for Studying Language Use in Everyday Text Communication in the Wild Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, June 2020, Article No. 84 (bib) |
2018 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Mohamed Khamis, Florian Bemmann, Heinrich Hussmann
Lunchocracy: Improving Eating Dynamics in the Workplace Using a Bot-Based Anonymous Voting System In CHI '18 EA: Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 2018) (bib) |