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Open Lab Day der Arbeitsgruppen Medieninformatik und Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion 2012
Date: Monday, Dec 3rd 2012
Time: 6-10 pm
Location: Amalienstrasse 17, front and back building
On December the 3rd, we will be opening the doors of our lab!
Professors and Ph.D.s students will showcase their ongoing research and students will present the results of their semester projects. We invite visitors to come, experiment and reflect on novel and exciting interactive devices and experiences.
The open Lab day will be a great opportunity to see what Media-Informatics, Interaction Design, User Experience and Human Computer Interaction are through a wide variety of showcased projects. It will provide prospective students a chance to get information in a relaxed atmosphere. Professionals will get the opportunity to meet future graduates and see their work.
The media-informatics and HCI group from LMU.
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Eindrücke vom Open Lab Day 2012