2022 |
Annika Kilian
Supporting Rhythm and Temporal Proprioception through Interactive Feedback for Beginner Dancers
master thesis, 01.06.2022 - 14.12.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Marco Philip
Fostering Body Awareness During Physical Activity Using Biofeedback
master thesis, 05.04.2022 - 04.10.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Alexander Zwermann
Designing and Evaluating a Sensor-Based Balance Assistant for Mountain Biking
master thesis, 21.03.2022 - 21.09.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
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Mariam Nettah
Design of context-aware grammar explanations for language learning scenarios
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić
Sylvia Kempe
Enhancing Datatype Based Security Notifications For Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Dominik Andreasky
Enhancing Web Browser Privacy and Security Awareness
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Tobias Stockinger
Enhancing SSL Awareness in Web Browsers
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Augmenting a HMD- Does the representation of Eye Gaze on front of a HMD improve collaboration
BA/MA, Advisor: Christian Mai
Jessica Ma
Improve Situation Awareness in Highly Automated Driving through Restorative Means
project thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Mari Kruse
Comparing user experiences of AR Social Media content
master thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch
Empowering Women through Technology
BA/MA, Advisor: Ceenu George
Tatjana Hinfner
Evaluation von mobile Geräten als Awareness- Benachrichtigungssysteme in CSCL
bachelor thesis
Carola Meier
Konzeptionierung eines Group Awareness Tools zur Unterstuetzung der Social und Behavioral Group Awareness
master thesis, Advisor: Maria Fysaraki,
Marita Plafka
Enhancing Security Awareness based on Interactive and Practical Tasks
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz