Lecture Multimedia-based Learning Environments
Lecturer: Prof. Heinrich Hußmann
Tutorials: Maria Fysaraki, Christina Schneegass
Please contact us via mml(at)medien.ifi.lmu.de
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 4 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
Language: English
Modul: Vertiefende Themen der Informatik/Medieninformatik für Master (Hauptfach Medieninformatik)
Nach Absprache anerkennbar als Aufbaumodul P6 für Bachelor-Nebenfach Medieninformatik
- 10.09.2018: The make up exam will take place October, 10th 2018, 10-12, room B005 in Theresienstr. 39. Please register via UniWorX until Octover 7th, 11:59pm if you want to take part in the exam.
- 05.07.2018: The exam will take place July, 24th 2018, 10-12, room M 218 in LMU Hauptgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1. Please register via UniWorX until July 22nd if you want to take part in the exam.
- 05.04.2018: The "how-to" video below shows the registration process for the lecture MML (UniWorX & Moodle) as well as the basic functionalities of the Moodle platform.
- 26.03.2018: Please register for this course in UniWorX as well as Moodle. The document containing the login key for Moodle is available in UniWorX as exercise sheet.
- 24.02.2018: This lecture is targeted at students of Master level. The lecture, all teaching materials, and the tutorials will be offered in English language only.
- 24.02.2018: The Moodle course page as well es details on the lecture and tutorials will be announced soon.
*** The lecture will be held completely online. There will be NO presence lectures. But there will be 5 presence tutorials (see below).***
The lecture "Multimedia-Based Learning Environments" addresses the usage of multimedia technologies for the optimization of learning processes and teaching situations. In the 80s and 90s of the last century, researchers and the general public had highly optimistic expectations on computer-supported learning and in particular multimedia-based learning, which was assumed to revolutionize teaching and learning. In the meantime, the "hype" around the topic has receded, and it has become obvious that the whole area is still in its early stages on a steady path towards a tool for everyday usage in learning.
This lecture is targeted at an audience with computer science background. Therefore, a large part of the covered material is complementary to computer science. The goal is to provide a solid background knowledge in educational psychology and media psychology for engineers working on educational software systems. Still the focus of the lecture and the tutorials is on building a bridge between theoretical insights on learning and practical application of technologies.
The lecture introduces theoretical foundations of human learning processes from a psychological perspective, in particular the main theories of learning: Behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. It discusses the interface and architecture of various types of learning environments based on these theories. Special emphasis is put on theories explaining the potential and limitations of multimedia technologies for learning. Since usage of multimedia is often said to have positive effects on learner motivation, some theoretical background of motivation theories is discussed as well. With an engineering perspective, the development and design process of learning applications is discussed in detail. Finally, some recent trends in learning technology are presented.
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
The lecture will be held completely online this summer term. Lectures will be presented as videos in Moodle. - Tutorial:
The tutorials will be both online and infrequent meetings during the summer term. Dates will be announced soon. The tutorials will be held from 10-12am (c.t.) on the following days:
- April 11th, 2018
- May 9th, 2018
- May 30th, 2018
- June 20th, 2018
- July, 11th 2018 (Summary)
How to enrol for MML
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- Termin: tba
- Frist zur Anmeldung: TBA
- Frist zur Abmeldung: TBA
- Ort: tba
- Termin: 24.07.2018, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
- Frist zur Anmeldung: 22.07.2018
- Frist zur Abmeldung: 22.07.2018
- Ort: LMU Hauptgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Raum M 218