Lecture Multimedia-based Learning Environments

Lecturer: Prof. Heinrich Hußmann
Tutorials: Christina Schneegass
Please contact us via mml(at)medien.ifi.lmu.de
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 4 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
Language: English
Modul: Vertiefende Themen der Informatik/Medieninformatik für Master (Hauptfach Medieninformatik)
Nach Absprache anerkennbar als Aufbaumodul P6 für Bachelor-Nebenfach Medieninformatik
- 29.06.2020: Due to the necessities of the current situation and to protect the health of everyone involved in this course, we will not be able to conduct the MML exam in a physical manner as it has been done in the past years. This year, we will perform the exam online. It will be a written exam (very likely to be hosted in Moodle) taking place on July 27th, 2020 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. If you want to take part in the online exam, please register via Uni2Work! The registration will be open starting tonight at midnight. You can register until July 13th and de-register until July 20th. More information below.
- 13.04.2020: This course starts as planned with the beginning of the summer term, more materials will be published weekly. For more information please register for the Moodle course and watch the "Welcome"-video.
- 31.03.2020: As of now you can enroll for the MML course this summer term. Details on the registration can be found in the section "Course enrollment".
- 23.02.2020: More information about this course will be available shortly.
Course Enrollment
To participate in this course, please first enter the Uni2Work course. Here, you can find a .txt file in the "Materials" section. This file contains the enrollment key for the Moodle course page. The Moodle course will be used for the distribution of course materials as well as news updates on the course.
The lecture will be held online. There will be NO presence lectures. The online course contains interactive material. Additionally, there will be several live tutorials (see below).
The lecture "Multimedia-Based Learning Environments" addresses the use of multimedia technologies to support the learning process and teaching situations.
This lecture targets an audience with a computer science background. The goal of this lecture is to provide solid background knowledge in cognitive, educational, and media psychology to understand the design and use of educational software systems. Still, the focus of the lecture and the tutorials is on building a bridge between theoretical insights on information processing and learning and the practical application of technologies.
The lecture introduces the theoretical foundations of human learning processes from a psychological perspective, in particular, the main theories of learning: Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. It discusses the interface and architecture of various types of learning environments based on these theories. Special emphasis is put on theories explaining the potential and limitations of multimedia technologies for learning. Since usage of multimedia is often said to have positive effects on learner motivation, we further discuss some theoretical background of motivation theories. With an engineering perspective, the development and design process of learning applications is discussed in detail. Additionally, we will introduce the basics of Multimedia didactics as well as principles of cooperative learning and the potential for technology support.
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
The lecture will be held completely online. Lectures will be presented as videos in Moodle. This course starts with the beginning of the summer term, the course materials will be published every tuesday at noon, starting on April 21st, and will follow a weekly schedule. - Tutorial:
Over the course of the term there will be five live appointments. During these tutorials you will see a brief presentation of new content followed by the introduction of the new exercise sheet. At the end of each tutorial you have the chance to ask questions. The live tutorials will take place from 10-12am (c.t.) on the following days:
- April 29th, 2020
- May 20th, 2020
- June 10th, 2020
- July 1st, 2020
- July 15th, 2020 (Summary)
- Exam:
The exam will take place on July 27th, 2020 from 2 to 4 pm. The exam will held online, we will provide more information on the format soon. - Important Note:
You will not fail the exam or have any other disadvantages just because of technical difficulties. If you decide to participate in this online exam and encounter technical problems, please reach out to us and we will figure out a solution on an individual basis.
If you already know that you do not want to participate in this online exam, there is always the possibility to take the exam in the next summer term. In this case, you can of course keep your bonus points from the group exercises this year and use them for next year’s exam. You also have the opportunity to invalidate your exam at any time during the exam and up to 30 minutes after the exam, in written form via email.
If you want to take part in the online exam, please register via Uni2Work! The registration will be open starting tonight at midnight. You can register until July 13th and de-register until July 20th. More details on the exam will follow soon. We also plan to conduct a trial run for you to get acquainted with the procedure.
For more information on the exam procedure, please have a look at the Moodle forum post. If you haven't registered for the Moodle course please do so to receive updates on the exam.
Rules for Online Teaching
While LMU is closed, most teaching happens currently online. As teachers, we ask you to be forgiving if things should not work perfectly right away, and we hope for your constructive participation. In this situation, we would also like to explicitly point out some rules, which would be self-evident in real life:- In live meetings, we ask you to responsibly deal with audio (off by default) and bandwidth (video as needed).
- Recording or redirecting streams by participants is not allowed.
- Distributing content (video, audio, images, PDFs, etc.) in other channels than those foreseen by the author is not allowed.