Christina Schneegass
christina.schneegass(at) | |
Phone | +49-89 / 2180-75130 |
Address | Christina Schneegass University of Munich (LMU) Media Informatics Frauenlobstr. 7a 80337 Munich, Germany |
Room | 431 (4th floor) |
I no longer work at LMU Munich. Feel free to contact me via LinkedIn .Research Interests
My research interests are in the field of mobile and ubiquitous (language) learning in everyday environments. Within this field, my interests evolve around implicit interaction techniques, sensor-based learning, attention and distraction, and cognitive processes. All this facets try to answer the question of how we can integrate learning seamlessly into our everyday environment using novel technology and interaction techniques.REASON - Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation
I am an associate member of the international REASON doctoral school on Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation. This doctoral school focuses on interdisciplinary and collaborative research linking psychology, education as well as empirical research on learning in specific domains (e.g. medical education, mathematics educations or biology education) and is funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB) under the roof of the Munich Center of Learning Sciences. Please contact me if you are interested in collaborating with me on a topic related to psychology, in particular scientific reasoning and argumentation.Academic Background
Bachelor Applied Cognition and Media Science (University of Duisburg-Essen)Bachelor Thesis @ InfoLab21 (Lancaster University, UK) 03/2013-06/2013
Master Applied Cognition and Media Science (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Working Student @ EU-Project JuxtaLearn (Rhein-Ruhr Institute for applied System Innovation e.V., Duisburg
Theses (Bachelor/Master)
If you are interested in one of the open topics or if you prepared a potential topic of your own (in connection to my research interests), please contact me via email. In this email, please state your topic as well as why you are interested in working on this topoc. If available, please attach your CV and grade sheet.Open
I am currently not taking on any new bachelor or master thesis supervisions.In Progress
"MT" | Evaluating the effect of customized smartphone environments on de- and reattachment |
- Sommersemester 2020:
Multimedia-based Learning Environments - Wintersemester 2019/2020:
Lecture Course Digital Media - Sommersemester 2019:
Multimedia-based Learning Environments
Proseminar Medieninformatik - Wintersemester 2018/2019:
Lecture Course Digital Media - Sommersemester 2018:
Multimedia-based Learning Environments
Lecture Media Technology - Wintersemester 2017/2018:
Proseminar Medieninformatik
Lecture Course Digital Media - Sommersemester 2017:
Proseminar Supportive Systems
Lecture Course Media Technology
Universität Duisburg-Essen
- Sommersemester 2016:
Gestaltung interaktiver Lehr- und Lernsysteme (TA)
Access my publications directly via: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | dl.acm | dblpPublikationen seit Jan.2017:
2021 | |
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Linda Hirsch, Christina Schneegaß, Robin Welsch, Andreas Butz
To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) Vol 5, No 1, Article 15 (March 2021) (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Diana Irmscher, Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
LYLO - Exploring Disclosed Configurations for Inter-Personal Location Sharing In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI'21 Extended Abstracts), May 8-13, 2021, Yokohama Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA (bib) |
Christina Schneegaß, Fiona Draxler
Designing Task Resumption Cues for Interruptions in Mobile Learning Scenarios In Technology-Augmented Perception and Cognition, Dingler, T. and Niforatos, E. (Eds.), Springer Cham. (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Yannik Wijcicki, Evangelos Niforatos
Design for Long-term Memory Augmentation in Personal Knowledge Management Applications In 12th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2021), May 27-28, 2021, Geneva, Switzerland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, (bib) |
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Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegaß, Jonas Safranek, Heinrich Hussmann
Why Did you Stop? - Investigating Origins and Effects of Interruptions during Mobile Language Learning In Mensch und Computer 2021 (MuC '21) (bib) |
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Sarah Aragon Bartsch, Christina Schneegaß, Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek
A Day in the Life: Exploring the Use of Scheduled Mobile Chat Messages for Career Guidance 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2021), December 5-8, 2021, Leuven, Belgium (bib) |
2020 | |
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Sarah Theres Völkel, Christina Schneegaß, Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek
What is "Intelligent" in Intelligent User Interfaces? A Meta-Analysis of 25 Years of IUI In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Cagliari, Italy (2020) (bib) |
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Simon von der Au, Leon Giering, Christina Schneegaß, Markus Ludwig (IRT)
TheSpaceStation App: Design and Evaluation of an AR Application for Educational Television In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences 2020 (IMX'20), June 17-19, 2020, virtual conference (bib) |
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Romina Poguntke, Christina Schneegaß, Lucas van der Vekens, Rufat Rzayev, Jonas Auda, Stefan Schneegass, Albrecht Schmidt
NotiModes - An Investigation of Notification Delay Modes and their Effects on Smartphone Users In Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC'20), September 6-9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Fiona Draxler
Cognitive Biases and their Effect on Mobile Learning: The Example of the Continued Influence Bias and Negative Suggestion Effect In Proceedings of the CoBiâ20 Workshop on Detection and Designfor Cognitive Biases in People and Computing System at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Honolulu, HI, US, April 2020 (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Thomas Kosch, Andrea Baumann, Marius Rusu, Mariam Hassib, Heinrich Hussmann
BrainCoDe: Electroencephalography-based Comprehension Detection during Reading and Listening In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Honolulu, HI, US, April 2020 (bib) |
2019 | |
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Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegaß, Evangelos Niforatos
Designing for Task Resumption Support in Mobile Learning In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Late Breaking Results (ACM), Taipeh, Taiwan, October 2019 (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Thomas Kosch, Albrecht Schmidt, Heinrich Hussmann
Investigating the Potential of EEG for Implicit Detection of Unknown Words for Foreign Language Learning In Proceedings of the 17th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction â INTERACT. Paphos, Cyprus, September 2-6, 2019 (bib) |
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Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegaß, Nicole Lippner, Albrecht Schmidt
Exploring visualizations for digital reading augmentation to support grammar learning Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Pisa, Italy, November 2019 (bib) |
2018 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Christina Schneegaß
Towards Finding Windows of Opportunity for Ubiquitous Healthy Eating Interventions Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE'18), Waterloo, ON, Canada, April 18-19, 2018 (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Nađa Terzimehić, Stefan Schneegass
Informing the Design of User-adaptive Mobile Language Learning Applications In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 233-238), ACM. Cairo, Egypt, November 25-28, 2018 (bib) |
2017 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Christina Schneegaß, Heinrich Hussmann
Exploring Challenges in Automated Just-In-Time Adaptive Food Choice Interventions In ACM MM'17 Workshop on Multimedia & Health. Mountain View, CO, USA, Novemver 23 - 27, 2017. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
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Christina Schneegaß, Heinrich Hussmann
The Role of the User in the Social Internet of Things In CHI '17 Social Internet of Things Workshop: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Denver, CO, USA, May 6 - 11, 2017. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
Enternal/Peer Reviewing
AutoUI'17, CHI'18, MUM'18, Interact'19 CHI'19, IDC'19, MobileHCI'19, INTERACT'19, MuC'19, AutoUI'19, IUI'20, ECIS'20, CHI'20, DIS'20, MobileHCI'20, IMWUT'20, TEI'21, IUI'21, CHI'21
Committees and Chairing
- 1st Workshop on Understanding the Interdependency between Stress and Digital Technologies, PervasiveHealth 2019, Trento, Italy - Workshop Program Committee Member
- ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2019, LA, USA - Organizing Committee - Student Volunteer Chair
- Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2019 Hamburg, Deutschland - Organizing Committee - Print and Social Media Chair
- Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2019 Hamburg, Deutschland - Associate Chair Short Paper
- Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2020 Magdeburg, Deutschland - Organizing Committee - Social Media Chair
- CHI 2020 Honolulu, HI, US - Associate Chair Late-Breaking-Work
- Virtual German CHI Week Organizer of the 2020 german virtual CHI event due to the cancellation of CHI 2020
Student Volunteering
- ACM Joined Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) 2013 & 2014
- Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2015
- International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) 2017