Open Games Workshop
Lecturer: Dr. Ville Mäkelämailto: ville.maekelae(at)
Hours per week: 4
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: P 5.0.2 oder P 5.0.4: Gruppenpraktikum zu fortgeschrittenen Themen der Informatik I oder Informatik II, P2, P3 oder P6: Vertiefende Themen für Master
- 17.02.2021: Open Game Workshop is nearing its end. Check out some of the demos below.
- 28.10.2020: Dates and tentative schedule available.
- 2.9.2020: Further information and exact dates will be available soon.
- 2.9.2020: uni2work page and website are up.
Corporate Frenzy
DemoCreated by Antonia Halbig, Julian Hager, Severin Schmid
Pirates and Cures
DemoCreated by Maike Friedrich, Vasil Lazarov, Yara Fanger
G for Gravity
Demo WebsiteCreated by Marius Rusu, Shaoying Liu, Sybil Bast
Student Out of a Labyrinth
DemoCreated by Elena Wallwitz, Julia Huber, Tien Duc Nguyen
Dates and Location
Tutorials: Wednesdays 14-16 | Online
November 4, 2020 - February 3, 2021 - Final presentations: February 3, 2021 | Online
- Final submission: February 17, 2021
In this workshop, students will design and develop a computer game in small groups. Students will create a game concept, develop a playable prototype, and maintain a game design document throughout their project. At the end, the games will be presented to and evaluated by other groups.
The final deliverables are:- A functioning game prototype
- A complete game design document
- A final presentation and demonstration of the game
- November 04: Organization, Introduction, Tips, Tricks and Resources
- November 11: Optional feedback session
- November 18: Game pitches and group introductions
- November 25: Optional feedback session
- December 02: Progress update
- December 09: Optional feedback session
- December 16: Progress update
- (Christmas break)
- January 13: Progress update
- January 20: Optional feedback session
- February 03: Progress update
- February 17: Demo Session
- February 28: Final deliverables
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (Master)
- Students of Computer Science (Master)
The course is intended for Master's students and can only be credited to the Master's degree.
Bachelor students have the possibility to attend the course and collect ECTS credits for the Master in advance. However, it is not possible to contribute to the current Bachelor's program.
The number of participants is limited to 20 students. For further participants there is a waiting list.
Bachelor students can only participate in this course if the place is not already occupied by a Master student.
Applications by central application facilities on Uni2Work.

BARTENBACH, C.: Handbuch für Lichtgestaltung, SpringerWienNewYork 2008
BIRN, Jeremy: Digital Lighting and Rendering, New Riders 2005
BLANK, Richard: Film & Licht, Alexander Verlag, Berlin 2009
BROOKER, Darren: Essential CG Lighting Techniques, Focal Press, Oxford 2008
FUNK, Gerhard: Digital Media for Artists, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2004
HIRST, Tony: Digital Worlds – Interactive Media and Game Design, Open University undergradute course, May 2009
HÖHL, Wolfgang: Interaktive Ambiente mit Open-Source Software, 3D-Walk-Throughs und Augmented Reality für Architekten mit Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 und ARToolKit 2.72, SpringerWienNewYork 2009
HÖHL, Wolfgang: Generative Solar Design, Lichträume, Schattenkörper und Sonnenstandssimulation, in: Computer Spezial 2/2009, Bauverlag BV GmbH., Gütersloh 2009, S. 13 - 19 und in: FORUM PLANEN 11 / Juni 09, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, Wien 2009, S. 9 – 11
HÖHL, Wolfgang: Die „Innere Logik“ der Form, Neues vom Design Modelling Symposium 2009, in: db 12/2009, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2009, S. 76 – 78
JOHNSTON, T.: The Illusion of Life. New York, Abbeville Press, 1981
LASSETER, John: Principles of Traditional Animation applied to 3D Computer Animation ACM Computer Graphics, Vol. 21, Number 4, July 1987, S. 35-44
MULLEN, Tony: Mastering Blender, John Wiley & Sons, Indianapolis 2009
POTTMANN, H.: Architekturgeometrie, SpringerWienNewYork 2009
ROOSENDAAL, T.: The Official Blender 2.3 Guide, No Starch Press, San Francisco 2004
ROOSENDAAL, T.: The Essential Blender, No Starch Press, San Francisco 2010
SCHIPEK, Dietmar: Grundbegriffe Animation, in:, Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Wien
De STEFANO, R.: The Principles of Animation, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois, Chicago / USA
WARTMANN, C.: Das Blender-Buch, D-Punkt Verlag, Heidelbarg 2007
WARTMANN, C.: The Blender GameKit – Interactive 3D for Artists, No Starch Press, San Francisco 2009
WILLIAMS, R.: The Animators Survival Kit, Faber & Faber, London 2009