Practical Course Media Design
Lecturers: Prof. Hußmann
Person in Charge:Thomas Weber
Hours per week: 4
ECTS credits: 3
Modul:Projektkompetenz Multimedia (BSc)
Dates and Locations
Due to lack of demand, this practical course will not be offered in the winter term 20/21
The appointsments for the course will be held via Zoom.
The dates in the schedule are preliminary and will be updated.
During the practical course Media Design you will work in group to develop multimedia content for a project partner. This semesters partner will be the Chair for Education and Educational Psychology.
You will design, prototype and implement multimedia content to enhance an test instrument to measure competences for digital teaching (K19 competences).
Preliminary Schedule
- Until October 30th: Registration
- November 11th, 12 PM s.t.: Introduction
- November: Come up with a concept
- December 2nd, 12 PM s.t.:Pitch-presentation of the concepts for feedback
- December + January: Implementation of the concept (with optional Feedback-Sessions)
- February 10th, 12 PM s.t.: Final presentations
Interested students can soon apply via Uni2Work. If you have no access to Uni2Work (e.g. KUMM students), you can apply via e-mail.
All applications should include:
- Study program
- Current semester
- Relevant expertise, e.g. from other practicals, projects of jobs
- Provide a motivation why you want to participate in this course
Participants will be selected based on this information, and not based on time of application. Nevertheless, if interested, please apply as early as possible!