Social Media 2: Medieninnovationen von Social Media über virtuelle Welten bis Webvideos
Lecturer: Markus Kaiser, Aline-Florence ButtkereitTutorials: Kai Holländer
Hours per week: 4
ECTS credits: 3
Dates and Locations
Terms:26.-28.4.2019; 9 am until 6 pm
24.-26.5.2019; 9 am until 6 pm
Leopoldstr. 13 room 1401
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (bachelor)
- Students of "art and multimedia"
The lecture course is only suitable as "Vertiefendes Thema" for Medieninformatik (Bachelor) students - not Informatik students. SMS1 offers 3 ECTS so it is suitable as "vertiefendes Thema" only in combination with SMS2, also 3 ECTS.
The Proseminar can NOT be introduced as a Bachelorseminar.