Tutor Training
Lecturer: Prof. Hußmann, Nađa TerzimehićHours per week: 3
ECTS credits: 3
Module: For Master Medieninformatik students: "Seminar Persönliche und Soziale Kompetenz"
For Bachelor Media informatics students: Modul "Seminar zu ausgewählten Themen der Informatik"
Dates (new)
May 29 & 31, 9 am to 5 pm -
Frauenlobstr. 7a, Raum 357
Please register in Uniworx by May 14th. Attach a short letter including your experience as being a tutor so far, and in what course you are/will be tutoring. The course will take place if 4 tutors apply. The maximum number of participants is set to 8.Content
Primarily for tutors in Media Informatics and students who want to become one in future semesters. Our goal is to continuously improve teaching at our institute. Possible to receive 3 ECTS in Module "Persönliche und soziale Kompetenzen". More information soon. Overview of the course content:- Basics of didactics
- Presentation skills
- Interactive teaching methods
- Communication techniques
- Exchange of experience with other tutors