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Praktikum Entwicklung von Mediensystemen - Multi-Tag Interaction
Dozent: Prof. Heinrich Hußmann
Betreuung: Gregor Broll, Alexander De Luca
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Credits: für diese Veranstaltung nicht festgelegt
Zum Flash Praktikum geht es hier.
- 11.09.2008: Die Anmeldung für das Praktikum ist ab heute freigeschaltet. Interessierte Studenten können sich per Email bei Gregor Broll anmelden.
- 08.08.2008: Bedingungen für den Scheinerwerb festgelegt.
Termine und Ort
- Vorlesungstermin: Dienstag 14 - 16 Uhr
- Ort: Amalienstraße 17, Raum A 107
- Erste Vorlesung: Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008
Dieses Praktikum hat eine maximale Teilnehmerzahl von 20 Studenten und erfordert eine Anmeldung per E-Mail. Die E-Mail sollte folgende Daten enthalten:- Vollständiger Name
- Matrikelnummer
- Semesterzahl
- Vorkenntnisse (Vorlesungen etc.)
- Ein abgeschlossenes Vordiplom in Medieninformatik oder Informatik.
- Java-Programmierkenntnisse
- Wünschenswert sind Grundkenntnisse in Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (MMI1 und MMI2).
Technologies such as NFC, visual markers, Bluetooth or GPS have increased the possibilities for mobile interaction with information and services that are associated with tagged objects from the everyday world. Users can interact with them by simply taking a picture of a visual marker or by touching an NFC-tag with their mobile devices. This interaction between mobile devices and physical objects is adopted by a growing number of applications for service discovery and invocation, ticketing, mobile payment, information services or advertisement.
Despite its growing popularity, physical mobile interaction with information and services is still limited by different constraints:
- Use cases confined to simple, isolated or specific tasks
- Mostly interaction with single tags
- Further interaction with physical objects is usually neglected
- No combination or reuse of information collected from people, places or things
- Little or no interoperability between services and information
- Integration of services and information often left to the user
For example, when a user touches an NFC-tag on a concert poster with his mobile device, the associated service will give him more information about the concert or allow buying a ticket. However, this information will probably not be reused to find the location of the concert, recommend CDs of its artists when walking by a music store or put the date of the concert into the phone’s calendar.
In this context, this practical focuses on the mobile interaction with multiple physical objects, tags and information (Multi-Tag Interaction) as well as its integration with different services. The first part of the practical will provide an introduction to the design and implementation of mobile applications in general. In the second part, the students will apply this knowledge and work in small teams to develop mobile Java ME applications with a focus on the following topics:
- Interaction with the real world using e.g. NFC, GPS, Bluetooth, ...
- Mobile interaction with services
- Solutions for combining and reusing information from the real world
- Mashpus of multiple services and information from the real world
- Mobile usability and interface design
Bedingungen für den Scheinerwerb
- Erfolgreiche Bearbeitung ALLER Übungsblätter
- Teilnahme an allen Treffen.
- Erfolgreiche Bearbeitung des Projekts.