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Disputation Seminar (Bachelor and Master)

Lecturers: Prof. Mayer, Prof. Butz
Person in Charge: Christa Feulner (Sekretariat Medieninformatik)
Hours per week: 2
ECTS credits: 3/5 (Disputation Bachelor/Master Thesis)
- Dates and Locations
- Contents
- Information on the current situation due to COVID-19
- Rules for Online Teaching
- Length of presentations for students
- Order
- Setting appointements
- Presentations
- Di 13.04.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 15.04.2021 Disputationssemniar
- Di 20.04.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 22.04.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 27.04.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 29.04.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 04.05.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 06.05.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 18.05.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 20.05.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 27.05.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Mo 07.06.2021 zusätzliches Disputationsseminar
- Di 08.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 10.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 15.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 17.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 24.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 29.06.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 01.07.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 06.07.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 08.07.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Di 13.07.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Do 15.07.2021 Disputationsseminar
- Fr 16.07.2021 zusätzliches Disputationsseminar
- Fr 10.09.2021 Notfalltermin
- Do 14.10.2021 Notfalltermin Disputationsseminar
Dates and Locations
- Date 1:
Tuesday, 14:15-15:45 (with Prof. Butz)
Location: Zoom - Date 2:
Thursday, 14:15-15:45 (with Prof. Mayer/Prof. Hußmann)
Location: Zoom
The course serves the presentation of current research topics from the environment of the chair, including guest lectures. This also includes the intermediate and final presentations, which are part of every internship, bachelor as well as master thesis. All interested students are welcome to attend the disputation seminar! In particular, regular attendance is recommended for those, who are in the process of writing their practical, bachelor or master thesis.
Information on the current situation due to COVID-19
Currently, there is no presence teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we will work with students to try to facilitate final presentations on schedule as much as possible. We offer the following options in this context:
- If you want to hold your final presentation virtually:
- The seminar will take place online via Zoom at the mentioned times (always c.t.). Please contact your respective supervisors or the event organization for access details.
- We recommend that you provide a recording of your presentation as a backup via link in advance. For example, you can use your CIP-webspace or LRZ Sync&Share for this, but other ways are also fine.
- Please note the rules for online teaching below.
- If you do not want to hold your final presentation virtually, you can make up for it. We will offer additional dates for this as soon as the situation has eased.
Rules for Online Teaching
While LMU is closed, most teaching happens currently online. As teachers, we ask you to be forgiving if things should not work perfectly right away, and we hope for your constructive participation. In this situation, we would also like to explicitly point out some rules, which would be self-evident in real life:- In live meetings, we ask you to responsibly deal with audio (off by default) and bandwidth (video as needed).
- Recording or redirecting streams by participants is not allowed.
- Distributing content (video, audio, images, PDFs, etc.) in other channels than those foreseen by the author is not allowed.
Length of presentations for students
- Final presentation of practical work: 10 min presentation + 10 min discussion
- Final presentation of bachelor thesis: 15 min presentation + 10 min discussion
- Kickoff presentation Master's thesis: 10 min presentation + 10 min discussion
- Final presentation master thesis: 20 min lecture + 15 min discussion
Attention here it does not concern about circa data. I.e. after the time given above the presentation will be finished regardless of whether the end of the presentation slides is reached or not. It is advisable to do a test lecture with the supervisor beforehand to get a feeling for the timing.
The order of presentations on this website is subject to possible changes at short notice.
Setting appointements
The date of the disputation will be arranged with the supervisor of the thesis and registered by them. For externally supervised presentations, please contact the person in charge (Media Informatics Office) at least four weeks before the desired date, providing the following information:
- Prefferred Date
- Students name
- Supervisors name
- Responsible Professor
- Title of the work
- Type of work: BT/MT/PT
Di 13.04.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Andreas Denk Jingyi Li |
[Bachelor] Microgesture Interaction in the Confined Space of a Car | 15+10 Min. |
Vanessa Sarakiotis Beat Rossmy |
[Master (Abschluss)] Extending Co-located Communication through Physicalization of Hidden Data | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 30 Min | ||
Do 15.04.2021 Disputationssemniar |
Thai Do Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Proxemik in Social VR | 15+10 Min. |
Kim Tran Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Antritt)] Interaktionsdesign für kollaborative Anwendungen in Social Virtual Reality | 10+10 Min. |
Havy Ha Nadja Terzimehic |
[Master (Antritt)] Designing for the Hormonal Body | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 25 Min | ||
Di 20.04.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Agnes Reda Jingyi Li |
[Bachelor] Investigating Influences of Head Movement on Motion Sickness in Rear-Seat VR Experience | 15+10 Min. |
Jacob Groß Linda Hirsch |
[Bachelor] Design und Entwicklung eines Web-Interfaces zur chemischen Analyse von quantenmechanischen Daten | 15+10 Min. |
Lisa Gärttner Daniel Ullrich |
[Master (Abschluss)] Experience Modes - Validierung der orchestralen Interieurszenarien in virtueller Realität vs. reallem Fahrerlebnis | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 5 Min | ||
Do 22.04.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Mathias Götz Matthias Schmidmaier |
[Bachelor] Developing a tool to recognize visual attention in an online lecture setup | 15+10 Min. |
Marcel Baur Matthias Schmidmaier |
[Master (Antritt)] Increasing Robustness of Facial Emotion Recognition against Speech | 10+10 Min. |
Jelena Pranjic Sarah Theres Völkel |
[Master (Abschluss)] Creating Explanations for Personality-Tailored Adverts to Raise Transparency for Users on Social Media | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 10 Min | ||
Di 27.04.2021 Disputationsseminar |
frei: 90 Min | ||
Do 29.04.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Junes Dominik Najah Florian Bemmann |
[Bachelor] Erforschung der Selbstreflektion beim Anlegen von Kassenbons in einer mobilen Anwendung | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 65 Min | ||
Di 04.05.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Miriam Metz Dennis Dietz |
[Master (Antritt)] Exploring Adaptive Interaction with Computer-vision-based Motion Tracking Technology for Physical Exercise | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 70 Min | ||
Do 06.05.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Markus Stanzl Florian Bemmann |
[Bachelor] Designing a Feedback System for Mobile Sensing Research Apps: A User-Centered Approach | 15+10 Min. |
Bettina Winkelmayer Thomas Weber |
[Master (Antritt)] Exploring the Collaboration of UX Designers and Developers in Agile Environments | 10+10 Min. |
Rafael Thiel Thomas Weber |
[Master (Antritt)] Gaze-based Information Dimming in Adaptive IDEs | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 25 Min | ||
Di 18.05.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Elena Liebl Changkun Ou |
[Master (Antritt)] Understanding and Evaluating Human Preferences in 3D Modeling | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 70 Min | ||
Do 20.05.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Sigrid Klinger Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Museumsanwendung für den Themenbereich Festungsbau des Organum Mathematicum | 15+10 Min. |
Pauline Sailer Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Zielgruppenorientiertes Interaktionsdesign für den Themenbereich Musik des Organum Mathematicums | 15+10 Min. |
Anil Kerem Balkan Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Interaktionen in Virtual Reality für das Organum Mathematicum | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 15 Min | ||
Do 27.05.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Paula Wöhlert Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Spaceline-basierte Schnitte in Cinematic VR | 15+10 Min. |
Astrid Johannsen Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Blickverhalten bei Schnitten in Cinematic VR | 15+10 Min. |
Nina Wüst Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Aufmerksamkeitslenkung mit Spatial Audio in Cinemtic VR | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 15 Min | ||
Mo 07.06.2021 zusätzliches Disputationsseminar |
Paul Huber Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Antritt)] Gestaltung von virtuellen 3D - Räumen für kollaboratives Lernen unter Berücksichtigung der Lerninhalte | 10+10 Min. |
Michael Hufnagel Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Antritt)] Visualization of Human Behaviour in VR | 10+10 Min. |
Karlheinz Reinhardt Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Antritt)] Vizualization of Movements in Social Virtual Reality | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 0 Min | ||
Di 08.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Niklas Lühr Stefan Langer |
[Bachelor] Action Quality Assessment of Trampoline Routines | 15+10 Min. |
Maximilian Schmid Stefan Langer |
[Bachelor] Deep Learning assisted live tire pressure estimation on a road bicycle | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 40 Min | ||
Do 10.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Sara Kasi Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Social Viewing in Cinemtic Virtual Reality | 15+10 Min. |
Louise Paglionico Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Konzepte f ?ur Augmented Reality in Museen- Vergleich digitaler Zwilling mit Augmentierung am Objekt | 15+10 Min. |
Julia Glöß Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Collaborative Interaction Designs for Museum Objects | 15+10 Min. |
Fangli Lu Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Collaboration-supporting Sound Design for Museums inSocial Virtual Reality | 15+10 Min. |
überzogen: 10 Min | ||
Di 15.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Andreas Mengkun Zhang Jingyi Li |
[Master (Abschluss)] Am I Seated or Surfing?: Investigating the Effects of HapticFeedback from the Confined Car Space on Presence and Performance in Rear-Seat VR Interaction | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 55 Min | ||
Do 17.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Lale Kaya Sarah Theres Völkel |
[Master (Abschluss)] A Personality-Tailored Chatbot to Support Users in Coping with Everyday Stressful Events | 20+15 Min. |
Philipp Greiner Nadja Terzimehic |
[Bachelor] Beyond screen time: The effects of intention setting and real-world anchoring on mindful smartphone usage | 15+10 Min. |
Svenja Dittrich Alexander Wiethoff |
[Master (Abschluss)] Keeping the Human in the LoopA Case Study in the Medical Domain, that Should Increase Trust inWorkflows Supported by Artificial Intelligence. | 20+15 Min. |
überzogen: 5 Min | ||
Do 24.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Aline Neumann Matthias Schmidmaier |
[Master (Abschluss)] Visualization of Group Emotions in Online Lectures | 20+15 Min. |
Aleksa Ristic Florian Bemmann |
[Master (Abschluss)] Live Mobile Sensing on Smartphone to predict stress | 20+15 Min. |
Michael Fischer Sven Mayer, Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Antritt)] An Investigation Into Teaching Support in Cross-Reality Learning Environments | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 0 Min | ||
Di 29.06.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Franziska Lang Stefan Langer |
[Master (Abschluss)] Exercise-induced fatigue detection based on multimodal datasets with machine learning | 20+15 Min. |
Barbarella Petz Yong Ma |
[Bachelor] User Preferences in Future Voice Interfaces | 15+10 Min. |
Jakob Lindauer Yong Ma |
[Master (Antritt)] How should a voice assistant react to emotional voice? | 10+10 Min. |
Moritz Ziarko Dennis Dietz |
[Einzelpraktikum] Fail Feedback Controller | 10+10 Min. |
überzogen: 10 Min | ||
Do 01.07.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Sophia Sakel Sarah Aragon Bartsch |
[Master (Abschluss)] Konzeption einer mobilen Anwendung zur Steigerung der Selbstreflexion bei der Studienwahl | 20+15 Min. |
Philipp Mayer Sylvia Rothe |
[DA (Antritt)] Deepfakes im Kontext multimedialer Lernplattformen | 10+10 Min. |
Laura Arndt Sarah Aragon Bartsch, Florian Bemmann |
[Bachelor] Self-Reflection in HCI | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 10 Min | ||
Di 06.07.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Elena Liebl Changkun Ou |
[Master (Abschluss)] Understanding and Evaluating Human Preferences in 3D Modeling | 20+15 Min. |
Tianyang Lu Jingyi Li |
[Master (Abschluss)] Rest Your Hand, Relax Your Mind: Exploring Passive Haptics for Recovering from Interruptions in Everyday Virtual Reality | 20+15 Min. |
Julian Brüstle Dennis Dietz |
[Master (Antritt)] Smartwatch supported sports technique Feedback | 10+10 Min. |
frei: 0 Min | ||
Do 08.07.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Nadine Bachl Amy Yanhong Li |
[Bachelor] Design and Development of Tangible User Interface for Collaborative Tutorial | 15+10 Min. |
Michelle Melina Dutoit Amy Yanhong Li |
[Bachelor] User Study of Tangible User Interface for Collaborative Tutorial | 15+10 Min. |
Marcel Baur Matthias Schmidmaier |
[Master (Abschluss)] Increasing Robustness of Facial Emotion Recognition against Speech | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 5 Min | ||
Di 13.07.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Katja Kordes Florian Bemmann |
[Bachelor] Designing a Gamified Carbon Footprint Calculator Application with the Aim of Motivating more Sustainable Grocery Shopping | 15+10 Min. |
Oliver Christian Moeller Changkun Ou |
[Bachelor] Web User Interface Optimization from Preferential Ratings | 15+10 Min. |
Christian Schmidt Changkun Ou |
[Bachelor] Progressive BVH Refinement in Interactive Ray Tracing | 15+10 Min. |
Johanna Schlechter Linda Hirsch |
[Bachelor] Designing for Historical-Sensitive Places based on an Ethical Dilemma | 15+10 Min. |
Janina Ehe Linda Hirsch |
[Bachelor] Designing for historical Sensitive Places along an example for the former airbase Fu?rstenfeldbruck | 15+10 Min. |
überzogen: 125 Min | ||
Do 15.07.2021 Disputationsseminar |
Selina Tauscher Florian Bemmann, Daniel Buschek |
[Bachelor] Conception and Design of User Interfaces for Explainable Interactive Machine Learning Applications | 15+10 Min. |
Helena Stoll Florian Bemmann, Sarah Aragon Bartsch |
[Bachelor] Exploring the impact of social interaction on ecological awareness in households using persuasive and smart technologies | 15+10 Min. |
Jessica Spornraft Zelun Tony Zhang |
[Bachelor] Identifikation von Designmöglichkeiten für interaktive KI-Entscheidungsunterstützung/TBD | 15+10 Min. |
Paul Klein Florian Bemmann |
[Bachelor] Konzeption und Implementierung von Daten Feedback in Mobile Sensing Studien | 15+10 Min. |
überzogen: 10 Min | ||
Fr 16.07.2021 zusätzliches Disputationsseminar |
Hanna Shun Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Collaborative Space Concepts for Museum Rooms | 15+10 Min. |
Kim Tran Sylvia Rothe |
[Master (Abschluss)] Kollaboratives Interaktionsdesign für den Ehrensaal der Deutschen Museums in Social Virtual Reality | 20+15 Min. |
frei: 30 Min | ||
Fr 10.09.2021 Notfalltermin |
Michelle Schmeling Sven Mayer |
[Bachelor] Investigating the Importance Representation of Notification in VR | 15+10 Min. |
Darina Cvetanova Sven Mayer |
[Bachelor] A Design Fiction Investigation: The Interactive Apartment of the Future | 15+10 Min. |
Jenny Huang Sylvia Rothe |
[Bachelor] Development of a gesture driven UI for a museum exhibit | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 15 Min | ||
Do 14.10.2021 Notfalltermin Disputationsseminar |
Michael Peter Fischer Sven Mayer |
[Master (Abschluss)] Eine Untersuchung zur Unterstützung des Unterrichts in Realitätsübergreifenden Lernumgebungen | 20+15 Min. |
Armand Luttringer Amy Yanhong Li |
[Bachelor] Tangible Design for Children’s Peer Tutoring | 15+10 Min. |
Szilvia Balogh Amy Yanhong Li |
[Bachelor] Tangible Design for Children’s Peer Mentoring | 15+10 Min. |
frei: 5 Min |