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Lecture Digital Media
Lecturer: Prof. HußmannTutorials: Renate Häuslschmid
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: P8: Digitale Medien (für Bachelor-Hauptfach Medieninformatik)
P1.3 und P1.4: Digitale Medien (für Bachelor-Nebenfach Medieninformatik)
- 03.03.2017 The exam will be on March, 21st 2017 from 10am to 1pm in M218. The exam is open book, so you are allowed to bring your printed and handwriten materials and a calculator.
- 03.02.2017 On Friday the 10th there will a voluntary tutorial and exam preparation during the normal class hours. All students are welcome to send their questions in advance to the tutors.
- 15.01.2017 From next week on we will use the e-learning platform during the tutorials.
- 15.12.2016 The exam will be on February 27th, 2017 from 10am to 1pm in B101. The exam is open book, so you are allowed to bring your printed materials and a calculator.
- 15.12.2016 The tutorials are completed for 2016 and will continue on January 1st, 2017.
- 31.10.2016 On November 1st we will enlarge the contingent of the tutorials. Please register for one tutorial and only attend this one from now on.
- 21.10.2016 Registration for the tutorials opens in UniWorX on October 22nd at 9 a.m. and closes on November 6th.
- 18.10.2016 Registration via UniWorX is open
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Dates: Friday 10-1 a.m.
Location: Schellingstr. 3 (S), S 004 - Tutorial:
Registration for tutorials from October 22nd till November 6th through the UniWorx system!
Group 1: Monday 10-12 a.m.
Group 2: Monday 2-4 p.m.
Group 3: Wednesday 12-14 p.m.
Group 4: Thursday 10-12 a.m.
Ort: Amalienstr. 17, A 001 (CIP-Pool)
The lecture gives an introductory overview on the most important basic knowledge for the realization of digital media, covering technical topics as well as topics from perceptual psychology. There are no prerequisites in terms of programming skills or computer science knowledge. The lecture touches a quite broad spectrum of different disciplines (mathematics, physics, telecommunications, medicine). The lecture is the basis for the lecture "Media Technology" which goes into deeper Detail of technology and design aspects. It also provides the basis for more specialized courses on multimedia-related topics.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics, "art and multimedia" (bachelor)
- Studierende Medieninformatik (Bachelor Nebenfach), insbesondere Kunst und Multimedia
The lecture course is not suitable as "Vertiefendes Thema" for Informatik students.
Die Materialien zur Vorlesung sind aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen in einem geschützten Bereich abgelegt. Die Zugangsdaten werden in der Vorlesung rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben.
Date | Subject | Slides | Podcast | Examples |
21.10.16 | Einführung, Grundbegriffe | Folien 1 | Podcast 1 | |
28.10.16 | Digitale Codierung Teil a (Abtasttheorem, Verlustfreie Kompression) |
Folien 2a | Podcast 2a (Leider Vorjahr) |
04.11.16 | Digitale Codierung Teil b (Kompression) Zeichen, Schrift, Gestalt Teil a (Typografie) |
Folien 2b Folien 3a |
Podcast 2b Podcast 3a |
11.11.16 | Zeichen, Schrift, Gestalt Teil b (Makro-Typografie) Hypermedia und Markup Teil a |
Folien 3b Folien 4a |
Podcast 3b Podcast 4a |
18.11.16 | Hypermedia und Markup Teil b (HTML, CSS) | Folien 4b | Podcast 4b | Bsp. 4b |
25.11.16 | Hypermedia und Markup Teil c (HTML, CSS) Grundlagen Signalverarbeitung |
Folien 4c Folien 5 |
Podcast 4c Podcast 5 |
Bsp. 4c |
02.12.16 | Ton und Klang Teil a (Grundlagen) | Folien 6a | Podcast 6a | |
09.12.16 | Ton und Klang Teil b (Kompression, Dateiformate, Klangerzeugung) |
Folien 6b | Podcast 6b | |
16.12.16 | Licht und Bilder Teil a (Grundlagen) | Folien 7a | Podcast 7a | |
13.01.17 | Licht und Bilder Teil b (Kompression) Bewegtbilder |
Folien 7b Folien 8 |
Podcast 7b Podcast 8 |
20.01.17 | Web-Skripte (JavaScript) | Folien 9 | Podcast 9 | Bsp. 9 |
27.01.17 | Web-Dokumente (XML) | Folien 10 | Podcast 10 | Bsp. 10 |
03.02.17 | Vektorgrafik (SVG, X3D) | Folien 11 | Podcast 11 | Bsp. 11 |
The content discussed in the lecture is exercised in practical applications. Practical skills in dealing with compression methods and media document formats shall be achieved.
Sheet number | Topic | Deadline | slides | materials |
1 | Zahlensysteme, ASCII | 04.11.2016 | Slides | - |
2 | Lauflängen-, Huffman-, Arithmetische Codierung | 11.11.2016 | Slides | - |
3 | LZW Codierung, Digitalisierung | 18.11.2016 | Slides | - |
4 | LZW Codierung und Decodierung, Layout | 25.11.2016 | Slides | - |
5 | HTML | 02.12.2016 | Slides | - |
6 | HTML, CSS | 09.12.2016 | Slides | Material |
7 | Fourier, Fourier Transformation, Maskierung und Audioformate, Audiobearbeitung | 16.12.2016 | Slides | Material |
8 | Farbräume und -darstellung, Bilddateien und -größen, Farbpaletten | 23.12.2016 | Slides | Material |
9 | Ortsfrequenzen, Chroma-Subsampling, Bildbearbeitung | 27.01.2017 | Slides | Material |
10 | JavaScript, DOM, HTML Formulare | 03.02.2017 | Slides | |
11 | XSD und XML | 10.02.2017 | Slides | |
12 | SVG | 17.02.2017 | Slides |