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MT/BT/PT | Prof. Dr. Florian Alt |
Abschlussarbeiten im Bereich Human-Centered Security and Privacy
We offer a large variety of topics related to Human-Centered Security:
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi |
Design of a Virtual Reality Adaptive System based on Electrodermal Activity phasic components
DescriptionElectrodermal activity (EDA) denotes the measurement of continuous changes in the electrical conductance properties of the skin in response to sweat secretion by the sweat glands. EDA is autonomously modulated by sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity, a component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is involved in the control of involuntary bodily functions as well as cognitive and emotional states. Specifically, phasic EDA activity correlated with stress, cognitive load, and attention orienting. Therefore, measuring phasic EDA responses can give us information about the user's state.In this thesis project, we want to develop an adaptive system that modifies the visual complexity of the VR environment based on changes in phasic EDA. Specifically, we want to use new signal processing methodologies termed adaptive thresholding and gaussian filtering.The research consists of three main stages: (1) validation of the psychophysiological inference underpinning the adaptive system (2) implementation of a working VR prototype, and (3) an evaluation of the adaptive environment. You will
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi |
Physiologically adaptive MR Blending
DescriptionMixed reality (MR) systems refer to the entire broad spectrum that ranges from physical to virtual reality (VR). It includes instances that overlay virtual content on physical information, i.e., Augmented Reality (AR), and those that rely on physical content to increase the realism of virtual environments, i.e., Augmented Virtuality (AV). Such instances tend to be pre-defined for the blend of physical and virtual content. To what extent can MR systems rely on physiological inputs to infer user state and expectations and, in doing, adapt their visualization in response? Measurement sensors for eye and body motion, autonomic arousal (e.g., respiration, electrodermaland heart activity), and cortical activity (e.g., EEG, fNIRS) are widely used in psychological and neuroscience research to infer hidden user states, such as stress, overt/covert attention, working memory load, etc.However, it is unclear if such inferences can serve as useful real-time inputs in controlling the presentation parameters of MR environments.In this thesis project, we will investigate whether this blend can be adaptive to user states, which are inferred from physiological measurements derived from gaze behavior, peripheral physiology (e.g.., electrodermal activity (EDA); electrocardiography (ECG)), and cortical activity (i.e.., electroencephalography (EEG)). In other words, we will investigate the viability and usefulness of MR use scenarios that vary in their blend of virtual and physicalcontent according to user physiology. In particular, we will focus on understanding how physiological readings can passively determine the appropriate amount ofvisual information to present within an MR system. You will
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi |
Evaluation of an Adaptive VR environment that Uses EEG Measures as Inputs to a Biocybernetic Loop
DescriptionBiocybernetic adaptation is a form of physiological computing where real-time physiological data from the brain and the body can be used as an input to adapt the user interface. In this way, from the physiological data, we can infer the userâs state and design implicit interactions in VR to change the scene to support certain goals. This thesis aims the develop and evaluate an adaptive VR environment designed to maximize users' performance by exploiting changes in real-time electroencephalography (EEG) to adjust the level of visual complexity. The research consists of three main stages: (1) validation of the input EEG measures underpinning the loop; (2) implementation of a working VR prototype; and (3) an evaluation of the adaptive environment. Specifically, we aim to demonstrate the sensitivity of EEG power in the (frontal) theta and (parietal) alpha bands to adapt levels of visual complexity. You will
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi |
Modulating distraction by adapting the perceptual load: implementation of a biocybernetic loop to support performance and prevent distraction
DescriptionResearch from cognitive science and computerized displays of simple stimuli has shown how perceptual load is a critical factor for modulating distraction. Perceptual load is the amount of information involved in processing task stimuli. According to Lavie (1995), our attentional resources are limited and mainly directed towards task-relevant goals, but we might be more prone to distractors if we have cognitive spare resources. Previous research showed that human faces have bigger distracting power than non-face objects. This project aims to assess the distracting potential distracting effect of human avatars in a social VR scenario. We aim to transfer of traditional paradigms that assess attention and distraction to immersive VR. Lastly, we adapt the target-distractor recognizability to evaluate if a physiologically-adaptive system that optimizes for perceptual load can support task performance. The research consists of three main stages: (1) validation of the psychophysiological inference underpinning the physiological loop (2) implementation of a working VR prototype, and (3) an evaluation of the adaptive environment. You will
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi |
Design of a physiological loop settled in a Social VR scenario to support task performance and user experience
DescriptionPhysiological computing is a multidisciplinary research field in HCI wherein the interaction depends on measuring and responding to the user's physiological activity in real-time (Fairclough, 2009). Physiological computing allows for implicit interaction; by monitoring the physiological signals of the user, the computer can infer, e.g., if the task demands are either too challenging or easy, and either adapt the difficulty level or when users are getting distracted from the task, the system could give them a notification. Measuring the psychological state of the user creates intriguing possibilities for Social VR scenarios as we can either adapt the number of displayed avatars, their form or even their proxemic distance. This thesis aims the develop an adaptive Social VR environment designed to support users' performance when engaged in a cognitive task using a measure of physiological state (electrodermal activity: EDA) as input for adaptation. The research consists of three main stages: (1) validation of the psychophysiological inference underpinning the physiological loop (2) implementation of a working VR prototype, and (3) an evaluation of the adaptive environment. You will
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BT/MT | Francesco Chiossi, Abdallah El Ali |
Designing and Evaluating Mixed Reality Transition Visualizations
DescriptionPrior work has explored transition visualizations between VR environments, or on specific interaction techniques for transferring objects from VR <-> AR views. However, there has been less attention on what are the more effective transitions across the reality-virtuality continuum. The focus of this work would be to (a) identify suitable MR transitions (b) create a mapping to common tasks where such transitions may be applicable (e.g., keyboard typing) (c) prototype different transitions, from R-->AR-->AV--VR, and vice versa: VR-->AV-->AR--R, and empirically investigating different parameters of each (d) run a user evaluation to assess perceived UX. comfort, sickness, etc. This project extends the work in Keep it simple? Evaluation of Transitions VR, by exploring MR transitions, instead of only across different VR environments. Evaluation metrics will involve both objective and subjective measures. RQ1: What are the most effective methods for transitioning users across the reality-virtuality spectrum? RQ2: How do these transition visualizations influence user experience, user physiological state, workload, and acceptance across tasks? You will
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BT/MT | Jesse Grootjen |
Adaptive RSVP System Based on Pupil Dilation
Description Project Overview Project MotivationTraditional RSVP systems often rely on fixed speeds or manual adjustments, which may not suit every user's cognitive capacity. This project seeks to enhance user engagement and efficiency by using real-time pupil dilation data to adjust the speed and presentation style dynamically. By doing so, the RSVP system can become more responsive to individual reading habits, reducing cognitive overload and improving comprehension and retention of information. This work has important implications for accessibility, enabling better interaction for users with reading difficulties or neurological impairments. Project GoalsThis thesis will explore the development and evaluation of an adaptive RSVP system, with a focus on the following key objectives:
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BT/MT | Jesse Grootjen, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer |
Investigating Gaze Estimation Accuracy in Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
DescriptionProject OverviewThis thesis project offers an exciting opportunity for students to contribute to cutting-edge research on gaze estimation in interactive systems. The focus is on enhancing the accuracy of gaze interpretation within Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs), where effective communication is often dependent on understanding where participants are looking. Gaze serves as a vital non-verbal communication cue, yet people frequently struggle to accurately determine another persons gaze direction (i.e., where someone is looking), especially over distances. Project MotivationIn CVEs, precise gaze estimation is crucial for natural and effective interaction. While previous research has explored distant pointing as an interaction mechanism, this project shifts focus to gaze estimation. By addressing common inaccuracies in gaze prediction, this research aims to significantly improve how users interpret each others gaze during virtual interactions, ultimately enhancing the overall immersive experience.Project GoalsThis thesis will investigate how accurately gaze estimation can be performed in CVEs, focusing on two main aspects:
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BT/MT | Steeven Villa |
Neurotechnologies to Augment Human Cognitive Skills
DescriptionNeurotechnology has been typically used in the medical domain. However, they can bring huge benefits to healthy individuals as well. In this thesis, we will use transcranial direct stimulation in a controlled environment to test inhibition control in individuals (how good is a person at stopping an instinctive action). You will conduct a series of user studies following an established protocol and analyze whether transcranial stimulation helps participant inhibition. This work moves forward the field of human-computer interaction to enhance human capabilities. You will
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BT = bachelor thesis - PT = project thesis - MT = master thesis - PWAL = practical research course