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Workshop Sketching with Hardware - Design of interactive Systems
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt
Contact: swh ät
Hours per week: 4
ECTS credits: 6
Language: English
Modul: Master P3 / P 5: Gruppenpraktikum zu fortgeschrittenen Themen der Informatik I oder Informatik II (MA MI PStO 2022 (Start WiSe)) / (MA MI PStO 2022 (Start SoSe))
After consultation with the examination board, credit for WP 1-3, WP 7,9, WP 19 (advanced topics for Master) also possible
Date and Location (preliminary)
(1) During the lecture period: In-person (Frauenlobstr. 7a) on Thursday at 5:15pm (17:15 Uhr) (irregular meetings, not every week).
(2) During lecture break: One 4-day prototyping workshop in-person at Frauenlobstr. 7a. Dates are announced later.
Registration for students of informatics and media informatics counts as group practical course (Gruppenpraktikum).
!IMPORTANT! Students who seek to fulfill requirements for minor media informatics (Nebenfach Medieninformatik) (e.g., students in arts and multimedia; KuMM) select SWH-NebenfachMI ().
- For major informatics and media informatics: Central registration on Moodle
- For minor media informatics: see SWH-NebenfachMI
Please note that due to the engaging nature of the group projects, students often spend more than the allocated time on the development of their prototypes. This is especially true for the group project implementation scheduled during the lecture break.
Students in this course learn about the basics of electronics, circuit design, microcontroller programming, and physical prototyping. The students apply this knowledge by building a smart object.
- Build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller
- Output: LEDs, servos, motors, speakers, displays
- Input: buttons, dials, light sensitive resistors, accelerometer, distance sensors
- Program and debug MicroPython on ESP32 / Raspberry Pi Pico
- Input, Output
- Networking
Course Structure
The course consists of two parts.
- Phase I: Introduction to electronics and microcontroller programming. The students receive a free hardware kit in the beginning of the lecture period and familiarize themselves with electronics and microcontroller prototyping. This phase is supported by a course book. As part of this phase, the students are asked to research and present one specific topic or hardware component. Further, students are asked to complete tasks that correspond to the weekly session content. There are irregular sessions during this phase. Assistance and access to our wood workshop and electronics lab is provided during open workshop slots on Thursday (during the lecture period). Irregular mandatory sessions will be scheduled in this slot.
- Phase II: Part of the implementation of a group project is mainly done during a 4-day prototyping workshop at Frauenlobstr. 7a. This will be organized in the lecture break (dates are announced during the learning phase).
SWH Wiki
You can find additional information about the course and the course content here: We have created a number of tutorial pages (see sidebar and main page) and SWH videos. Please note that the Wiki is still under development and changes frequently. If you experience any issues, please contact us: swh ät