2025 |
Luise Donat
What We Leave Behind - Creating and Evaluating an Application for Digital Data Curation to Empower a "Good Death"
project thesis, 06.07.2024 - 01.02.2025, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Beat Rossmy
2024 |
Johannes Kleine
Implementing a smart autonomous standing desk
PA/BA/MA, 10.06.2024 - 09.12.2024, Advisor: Luke Haliburton
Alexandra Ginger
Transferring 2D-Visualization Techniques to Uncertainty in 3D Space
master thesis, 01.05.2024 - 27.11.2024, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Clara Sayffaerth, Florian Müller
Nils Rothamel
Evaluation of Interaction Techniques to Compare Different Time Points in VR
bachelor thesis, 07.06.2024 - 19.11.2024, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Florian Müller
Melanie Kitze
Bending Time: Evaluation of Body Movement as a Temporal Navigation Tool
bachelor thesis, 06.06.2024 - 31.10.2024, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Clara Sayffaerth, Florian Müller
Patricia Maier
An EEG Anaylsis of Mental Load while Reading AI-Generated Code
master thesis, 10.11.2023 - 10.05.2024, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Christopher Senn
Towards a Digital Legacy - Empowering Users to Manage their Social Media Data
master thesis, 04.07.2023 - 17.01.2024, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Linda Hirsch
2023 |
Alex Viets
Investigating Gait-Based Input Modalities for Virtual Reality
master thesis, 23.11.2022 - 23.12.2023, Advisor: Luke Haliburton, Florian Müller
Amanuel Ghebreweldi
Static Differences between Traditional and Machine Learning Code
bachelor thesis, 15.06.2023 - 14.12.2023, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Luise Donat
What We Leave Behind - Designing an Application for Digital Data Curation to Empower a "Good Death"
bachelor thesis, 06.07.2023 - 13.12.2023, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Beat Rossmy
Teodora Petrova
Investigating Death Preparation Practices on Social Media
bachelor thesis, 10.07.2023 - 13.12.2023, Advisor: Henrike Weingärtner, Linda Hirsch
Marc-Michael Wendt
Large Language Models and Conversational AI: A Comparative Analysis of their Potentials, Challenges and Emerging Issues in the Context of Decision Support
master thesis, 11.07.2023 - 11.12.2023, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Leonie Adams
Advancing Debugging Techniques: Data Flow Visualization in Extended Reality
master thesis, 08.05.2023 - 06.11.2023, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Florian Klement
Graphical Programming for the Jupyter Kernel: A Benchmark
master thesis, 16.03.2023 - 14.09.2023, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Janina Ehe
Combinging Code and Visual Programming for Data Driven Applications
master thesis, 12.06.2022 - 06.06.2023, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Yara Maria Fanger
Advanced Interaction with Gaze-based Head Gestures for Extended Realities
master thesis, English, 01.12.2022 - 01.06.2023, Advisor: Heiko Drewes
2022 |
Christina Winiker
Neural Network Building Blocks: Direct Manipulation for Data Driven Development
master thesis, 23.06.2022 - 22.12.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Annika Kilian
Supporting Rhythm and Temporal Proprioception through Interactive Feedback for Beginner Dancers
master thesis, 01.06.2022 - 14.12.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Marco Philip
Fostering Body Awareness During Physical Activity Using Biofeedback
master thesis, 05.04.2022 - 04.10.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Amanuel Ghebreweldi
Static Analysis of Machine Learning Code on GitHub
bachelor thesis, 13.05.2022 - 31.09.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Alexander Zwermann
Designing and Evaluating a Sensor-Based Balance Assistant for Mountain Biking
master thesis, 21.03.2022 - 21.09.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Nishanth Nanthakumar
End User Development for Software Engineering Professionals
bachelor thesis, 17.03.2022 - 04.08.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Zihan Kong
Simulating Global Illumination Effects Using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks
bachelor thesis, 01.01.2022 - 21.05.2022, Advisor: Changkun Ou
Hoang Giang Vu
Benchmarking Remote Neural Networks
bachelor thesis, 11.11.2021 - 31.03.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Ludwig Felder
Explanatory Capacity of Model-Agnostic XAI Methods
bachelor thesis, 18.10.2021 - 07.03.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Adrian Gruber
Virtual Vision Based Machine Learning for Robotic Pick-and-Place Tasks
bachelor thesis, 18.10.2021 - 07.03.2022, Advisor: Carl Oechsner, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Christopher Niedermaier
A Comparison of Code Structure in Open Source Machine Learning Repositories
bachelor thesis, 01.10.2021 - 18.02.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Jannik Steenken
Explainable AI for experts - Starting Point or Solved Problem?
bachelor thesis, 13.09.2021 - 31.01.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2021 |
Rafael Thiel
Gaze-based Information Dimming in Adaptive IDEs
master thesis, 13.05.2021 - 11.11.2021, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Bettina Winkelmayer
Exploring the Collaboration of UX Designers and Developers in Agile Environments
master thesis, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Mark Engerisser
Combating Excessive Scrolling on Smartphones
master thesis, 12.03.2021 - 30.09.2021, Advisor: Luke Haliburton, Ville Mäkelä
Jessica Spornraft
Identifikation von Designmöglichkeiten für interaktive KI-Entscheidungsunterstützung
bachelor thesis, 10.05.2021 - 27.09.2021, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Oliver Möller
Web User Interface Optimization from Preferential Ratings
bachelor thesis, 06.05.2021 - 23.09.2021, Advisor: Changkun Ou
Can Kabilay
Software Development Process Management with Physical Artifacts
bachelor thesis, 30.10.2020 - 19.03.2021, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Barbarella Petz
User Preferences in Emotion-Aware Voice Interfaces
bachelor thesis, English, 23.10.2020 - 12.03.2021, Advisor: Yong Ma
2020 |
Niklas Kersten
Crowd-Knowledge in Machine Learning Development
master thesis, 01.06.2020 - 30.11.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Anna Katrukha
A Gaze-based Service Terminal for Public Transport
bachelor thesis, English, 06.05.2020 - 23.10.2020, Advisor: Heiko Drewes
Johanna Prinz
Code Comprehension and Graphical Development of Web-Components in Adobe XD
bachelor thesis, 01.05.2020 - 18.09.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Phillipe Luna
The Impact of Cognitive Bias in the Software Development Life Cycle
master thesis, 08.04.2020 - 09.09.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Christina Winiker
Eye-Tracking Study of Machine Learning Programmers
bachelor thesis, 21.04.2020 - 09.09.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Cecilia Thümmler
Gaze-based Annotations in Videos for Language Learning
master thesis, 22.11.2019 - 31.07.2020, Advisor: Heiko Drewes, Fiona Draxler
Lukas Reiche
Zoomable User Interfaces in Software Engineering Projects
bachelor thesis, 24.02.2020 - 13.07.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Maren Reichl
Communicating Software Architecture with Physical Artifacts
bachelor thesis, 17.12.2019 - 05.05.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Romy Gruber
Skalierbare Kommunikationslösungen zwischen Fußgängern und automatisierten Fahrzeugen in Smart Cities
bachelor thesis, German, 25.11.2019 - 13.04.2020, Advisor: Kai Holländer
2019 |
Andy Krüger
App Assisted Street Crossing of Pedestrians in the Context of Automated Vehicles
master thesis, English, 18.06.2019 - 17.12.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
Jennifer Busta
An Adaptive Head-Up Display to Support Non-Driving Activities in Semi-Automated Vehicles
master thesis, English, 10.06.2019 - 15.12.2019, Advisor: Lewis Chuang , Kai Holländer
Ziyang Zhou
Visualizing ML Algorithm Configurations
bachelor thesis, 25.07.2019 - 12.12.2019, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Dominik Maurice Runge
Exploring Audio Parameters for Trustful System Interaction
bachelor thesis, 25.02.2019 - 15.07.2019, Advisor: Matthias Schmidmaier
Panagiotis Giannopoulos
Human Gaze Behavior When Interacting With Automated Vehicles
bachelor thesis, German, 15.02.2019 - 05.07.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
Boa Loi Quach
Overtrust in External Cues of Automated Vehicles
bachelor thesis, German, 18.10.2018 - 18.03.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
Daniel Seliger
Comparison of Local and Remote User Testing Methods in an Open Source Software Development Environment
master thesis, 01.09.2018 - 11.03.2019, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Caroline Pham
Investigating External Car Displays in Autonomous Driving on Vehicle to Pedestrian Communication
master thesis, English, 17.07.2018 - 21.01.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
2018 |
Mingyang Ma
Voice bot design for application with collaborative robotics in manufacturing
master thesis, 28.06.2018 - 30.11.2018, Advisor: Yong Ma
2017 |
Martin Lurz
Enhancing the Transparency of Simulation Systems
master thesis, 17.02.2017 - 18.08.2017, Advisor: Sarah Aragon Bartsch
2016 |
Saron Mebrahtu
Nudging Password Choices with the Bandwagon Effect and Reactance
master thesis, 22.01.2016 - 22.07.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Stefanie Meitner
Der Effekt von Passwort-Generatoren auf die Selektion von Passwörtern
bachelor thesis, 15.01.2016 - 02.06.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Katharina Schwarz
Partizipatives Design eines Registrierungsformulars mit non-verbalen persuasiven Elementen zur Passwortverbesserung
bachelor thesis, 23.10.2015 - 11.03.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
- |
Simon Gurn
Exploring novel user-display setups for co-located collaboration
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch, Henri Palleis, Dr. Julie Wagner
Max Liebig
BodyLanguage: postural mode control combined with touch input
bachelor thesis, 01.11.2013 - 01.05.2014, Advisor: Dr. Julie Wagner
Marko Nalis
A user interface concept for transparent user interactions during mobile device sharing.
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Amadeus Schell
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Frontend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
David Kronmüller
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Backend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Christoph Viegener
An in-situ evaluation of mobile device sharing behavior
diploma thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Tobias Keinath
Implicit Authentication on Desktop Computers using Wearable Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Moutoshi Pal
Bringing Transparency to Personality-based Advertisement: Are Advertisements more Appealing when Tailored to Recipients' Personality Traits?
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel, Malin Eiband
Cornelia Kratzer
Use cases for addressing driver's stress in personalized car interfaces
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
How to trick AI - Examining users' coping strategies and mental models to avoid profiling by intelligent algorithms
BA/MA, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Anna Werner
How to trick AI - Observing users' coping strategies and mental models to influence personality perception by intelligent algorithms
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Bastian Wagner
Develop a Website for an Interdisciplinary Research Project
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Lisa Kreilinger
Personality-aware Visualizations: Using Personality Traits to Personalise Smart Home Apps
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Julian Schmidt
When People and Algorithms Meet: Exploring Users' Experiences and the Need for Explanation in Intelligent Systems
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel, Christina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić
Lisa Vogel
Die Filterblase platzen lassen - Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten von online Nachrichten-Angeboten zur Steigerung des Bewusstseins von verschiedenen Quellen
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Julia Graefe (Audi AG)
Personalisierungskonzepte im Fahrzeugkontext: Erarbeitung und Evaluierung eines Anzeigekonzeptes für ein personalisiertes Fahrzeug User Interface in Abhängigkeit von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen.
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
CGM-Augmentation: Exploring Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Augmenting Human Interoceptive Awareness
BT/MT, Advisor: Steeven Villa
A tool to support qualitative analysis
project thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
Attila von Thermann
Developing an interactive feedback system to support collaborative creativity
diploma thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
Katharina Sachmann
Comparing different display environments for group mirrors
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
Andrea Attwenger
Evaluating the influence of anonymous and identifiable feedback on argumentation quality
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
Tobias Rindlbacher
Evaluating different complexity levels of real-time feedback during argumentation
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
eLabBench for MS Surface Tabletops
PA/BA/DA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Aurélien Tabard
Dennis Herzner
Visual Comparison of Clusterings
master thesis, Advisor: Simon Stusak
Sebastian Krämer
Konzepterstellung für Produktkonfiguratoren im Bereich Automobil
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Simon Stusak
Exploring Interaction Concepts for Physical Bar Charts
BA/MA, Advisor: Simon Stusak
Karsten Baender
Mobile Texteingabe ("4WORD")
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Franz Mueller
Unterstützung der Automobilherstellung durch die Kombination von tragbaren Darstellungsgeräten
master thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Daniel Seliger
Prototypical Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Input Device Based on 8pen
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Johannes Schuster
Predicting users' Situational Mood Using Reading Behavior of News Articles
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Mareike Haug
Improving Scrutability in a Personalized Mobile Fitness Application
master thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider, Malin Eiband
Katrin Schauer
Einfluss von Geschlecht und Persönlichkeit auf die Bewertung interaktiver Visualisierungskonzepte persönlicher Daten
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Nicole Lippner
Personal phone usage data feedback - UI Design for data-driven users
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Zhenhao Li
Implementing an attention recognition mechanism for mobile learning to improve task resumption
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Vincet Füseschi
Design and implementation of visual cues to improve task resumptoion in mobile learning
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Felix Decher
Exploratory evaluation of EEG data from reading to detect gaps in second language vocabulary knowledge
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Nicole Lippner
Augmenting foreign language reading to improve grammar skills
master thesis, German, Advisor: Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegass
Yannik Wojcicki
Building and retaining personal knowledge: The Effect of Timing and Presentation mode on learning performance and mobile PKM app usage
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
David Klein
Evaluating Heart Rate Tracker to Measure Intelligibility
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Malin Eiband
Felix Decher
Using Eye-Tracking for Foreign Language Proficiency Estimation
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Mariam Nettah
Design of context-aware grammar explanations for language learning scenarios
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić
Viktoriia Konevych
Investigating the effectiveness of task resumption cues in a real-world setting.
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Miriam Halsner
Investigating the effectiveness of different task resumption cues in regards of learning material complexity.
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Jonas Safranek
Investigating mobile learning interruptions by utilizing smartphone sensor logging and event-based ESM sampling
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Sophia Sigethy
Vergleich von verschiedenen Lockscreen-Interaktionstechniken zum mobilen Sprachenlernen
project thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek
Sophia Sigethy
Vergleich von verschiedenen Lockscreen-Interaktionstechniken zum mobilen Sprachenlernen
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek
Teodora Mitrevska
Investigating the Use of Smartphone Unlock Mechanisms for Vocabulary Learning
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Malin Eiband, Daniel Buschek
Andrea Baumann
Implementing Gaze Tracking to Support the EEG Results in Determining Gaps in User's Second Language Vocabulary Knowledge
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Marius Rusu
Analysing EEG Data of Second Language Listening Comprehension to Detect Gaps in User's Vocabulary Knowledge
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Visualizing the Expert's Perspective in Extended Reality
master thesis, Advisor: Clara Sayffaerth
Erkennung von Ironie in Filmen zur Kennzeichnung dieser in leichter Sprache
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
KI-basierte Bildgenerierung zur Unterstützung Leichter Sprache
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Entwicklung einer graphischen Oberfläche für KI-basierte Anwendungen im Filmschnitt
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Entwicklung einer graphischen Oberfläche für KI-basierte Anwendungen im Audio-Bereich
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Tobias Fütterer
Verbindlichkeit im Interfacedesign - frei nach "Mindfulness"
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy, Nađa Terzimehić
Lien Kieu
Understanding Workflow Decisions in the Context of Music Production II
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Florian Waldera
Understanding Workflow Decisions in the Context of Music Production I
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Dennis König
Systems for Collaborative Music Making
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Katharina Rogg
Supporting Imitation in Learning Processes - Working Memory
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Interfaces for Generative Music Performance
master thesis, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Jonas Neblich
How to Communicate Decisions of Generative Music Systems in Desktop Context?
master thesis, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Axel Schuster
Digitally Augmented Toys for Music Education
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Anna-Carina Gehlisch
Digitally Augmented Sensorial Materials
BA/MA, Advisor: Beat Rossmy
Camera-Based Wave Prediction and Calm Surface Detection Using Optical Flow and Machine Learning (+ Robotic Arm Control)
project thesis, Advisor: Julian Rasch
Niklas Thiem
Exploring Threats in Smart Homes
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Sarah Delgado Rodriguez
Tangible Privacy Control for Smart Homes
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Patrick Schnitzer
An Analysis of State-of-the-Art Smart Devices regarding Security, Privacy and Data Policies
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Nini Nguyen
Dynamic Security Questions in Smart Environments
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Tim Spang
Privacy in Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Stephan Kniep
Privacy Mental Models of Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Daniel Panangian
User Identification using Ambient Sensors in Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Lukas Mecke
Elias Amort
Authentication in a Smart Environment (“3D Pass”)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Design of educational technology for preschoolers
BA/MA/PA, Advisor: April Moeller
Wireless Mesh Networking App
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Body- and Hand-Aware In-Environment Selection Techniques
BAMA, Advisor: Jan Leusmann, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Machine Learning Based Capacitive Sensing for Tangible Interaction
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Marc Mühlbauer
User Interfaces for Indication of Visual Website Similarity for Fraudulent Websites
master thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Dennis Herzner
Using Visual Image Comparison to Detect Fraudulent Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Bernhard Frauendienst
Moodyboard: A physical keyboard indicating security and privacy problems
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Sylvia Kempe
Enhancing Datatype Based Security Notifications For Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Dominik Andreasky
Enhancing Web Browser Privacy and Security Awareness
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Tobias Stockinger
Enhancing SSL Awareness in Web Browsers
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Cornelia Reithmeier
Diminishing Visual Brand Trust on Websites for better Security Assessment
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Augmenting a HMD- Does the representation of Eye Gaze on front of a HMD improve collaboration
BA/MA, Advisor: Christian Mai
Johannes Kleine
Hidden Text Entry on Smartwatches
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Ville Mäkelä
Joan Lechner
Charting Issues with Artificial Intelligence in Video Games
master thesis, Advisor: Ville Mäkelä
Ludwig Kaube
Gestaltung und Umsetzung eines Abstrakten User Interface zum objektiven Vergleich von Inputmodalitäten im automobilen Bereich
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sebastian Loehmann
Johannes Preis
The Experience of Freehand Gestures in the Car
master thesis, Advisor: Sebastian Loehmann
Hannah Eliza Schaible
Designing Tangible Watches for Learning German
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Michelle Melina Dutoit
User study of tangible user interface for collaborative tutorial
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Nadine Bachl
Design and development of tangible user interface for collaborative tutorial
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Nam Gu Kang
Designing a Tangible Idea Tree to Orchestrate Group Brainstorming
master thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Sabrina Egger
Tangible User Interface for Children to Learn Representative Relations
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Julian Preissing
Designing a Tangible Pen to Enhance Creativity
master thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Tobias Maximilian Marschall
Tangible user interface for learning music composition
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Egesa Vrapi
Feedback Modalities to Support Children's Joint Actions
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Zhenhan Gao
Tangible User Interface for Supporting Goal Interdependence
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Maximilian Mayer
Design a digital environment for spelling practices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Enikö Harmat
Design TUI to facilitate children's collaborative learning of German spelling
master thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
C. G.
Improving Primary School Students' Self-Determination to do Reading Comprehension Assignments with Games
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Meng Liang
Tangible user interaction for online collaborative discussion
master thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Armand Luttringer
Tangible Design for Children's Peer Tutoring
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Szilvia Balogh
Tangible Design for Children's Peer Mentoring
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Anton Johannes Glonner
Tangible design for helping children to understand color mixing
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Huyen-Anh Nguyen
Designing Tangible Slime Boards for Children to Learn Color Theory
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Phuong Thao Tran
Graphic Design for Helping Children to Improve Visual Memory
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Thi Tuyet Nhi Linda Nguyen
Tangible flashcard for learning language
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Shaoying Liu
Tangible Design for Learning Chinese Characters
master thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Xi Wang
Tangible Design for Learning Chinese Pictographic Characters
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Amy Yanhong Li
Tianyang Lu
Future Traveler Transition Experience/Traces between RE and VE across HMIs in Highly Automated Vehicles
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li, Linda Hirsch
Hyerim Park
Bi-Directional Notification for VR Users and Bystanders in Passenger Use of HMDs
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Robert Barlog
Examining the Implementation of Pen and Paper into A Virtual Workspace
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Agnes Reda
Investigating Head Movement for Eliminating Motion-sickness in Rear-seat VR
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Alexander Georg
HapticSoftFascinations: Investigating Haptic Feedback from the Car Interior in Passenger Use of Virtual Reality
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Yu Xu
HapticSoftFascinations: Investigating Haptic Feedback from the Car Interior in Passenger Use of Augmented Reality
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Haijiao Shi
Guide you to Touch: Investigating Notification Design in Passenger Use of HMDs
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Filippe Frulli
HapticContinuum: Investigating Haptic Feedback from the Car Interior in Passenger Use of Mixed Reality
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Andreas Mengkun Zhang
Investigating Haptic Feedback for VR Interaction in the Confined Rear Seat
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Vincent Göke
Trust in Passenger-Vehicle Cooperation: Exploring Rear-Seat Intervention Approach in Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Michael Huber
Ready to Re-route: Exploring the Effect of Information Degree on Willingness to Cooperate as A Rear-seat Passenger in Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Passenger-Vehicle Cooperation: Exploring Rear-Seat Intervention Approach in Automated Driving
MA/BA, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Sebastian Hoerberg
Passenger-Vehicle Cooperation: Exploring A Phone-based Decision Making Approach in Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Yan Bai
Cross-car Multi-Passenger Cooperation: Exploring Rear-Seat Intervention Approach in Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Jessica Ma
Improve Situation Awareness in Highly Automated Driving through Restorative Means
project thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Luca Woik
MR Mobile Workspace: Investigating Virtual Workspace in Passenger Use of HMDs
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Andrea Ngao
In-Car VR Productivity: Review and Design Space with Audi
master thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li, Kai Holländer, Ceenu George
Fabian Ramelsberger
Cultural differences for a gamified Smart Home Augmented Reality Application
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Lachner
Felix Koschmidder
Exploring cultural differences in the User Experience of a Smart Home Augmented Reality Application
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Lachner
Lakmal Padmakumara
Development of a Data Driven Model to Predict the User Perception about the Website User Experience through User Activity Tracking
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Lachner
Understanding Mobile Augmented Reality Pointing
MA/DA, Advisor: Sven Kratz, (BibTex)
Tobias Thieron
Overcoming the Parallax Effect on Public Displays
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Andy Krüger
Guiding Smartphone Users into Specific Holding Postures
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Mujo Alic
Exploring the Effect of Progressive Reduction on Perceived Control in a Cinematographic User Interface
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Axel Hösl
Elisabeth Dreßler
Kontrolle in automatisierten Steuerungen: Design-Konzepte für Kamerasysteme
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Axel Hösl
Patrick Mörwald
Development of a Remote Controlled Camera Slider
bachelor thesis, German, 21.02.2014 - 21.07.2014, Advisor: Axel Hösl
Volumetrische Smoke Simulation mit Z-Buffer und Parallax Occlusion Mapping
PA/BA/MA/DA, Advisor: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Höhl
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Y Nhi Weiß
Natürliche Interfaces in öffentlichen Stadtparks
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch
Anna Fischhaber
Comparing the effect of traces in VR versus RE regarding social awareness and presence
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch, Ceenu George
Mari Kruse
Comparing user experiences of AR Social Media content
master thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch
Ivan Graf von Silva-Tarouca
Linking generations of university students through AR Anchors of shared spatial experiences in public places.
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch
Anna Tuchina
Tangible User Interfaces am Curve
project thesis, Advisor: Fabian Hennecke
Marie Lehmann
Evaluation of Dual Tasks Situations in the Context of Peripheral Interaction
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Doris Hausen
Simone Rodestock
Ambient Presence Indication Object
project thesis, Advisor: Doris Hausen
Michael Richter
Fallback Authentication based on location and life events
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Manuel Demmler
Fallback Authentication based on Installed Apps
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang
Philipp Hauptmann
A context-aware backup authentication system for smartphones (2)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Stephan Thalhammer
A context-aware backup authentication system for smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Dominik Habersack
Fallback Authentication Using Icon Arrangement 3
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang
Carina Saliger
Fallback Authentication based on Icon Arrangement 2
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang
John-Louis Gao
A backup-authentication system based on icon arrangement for smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Alina Hang
Empowering Women through Technology
BA/MA, Advisor: Ceenu George
Marie Lehmann
Coordination and collaboration : implicit and explicit sharing systems
Bernhard Vogler
Automated Argument Extraction in Computer-Supported Argumentation
Tatjana Hinfner
Evaluation von mobile Geräten als Awareness- Benachrichtigungssysteme in CSCL
bachelor thesis
Larissa Gerling, Caroline Kaiser, Lisa Simon, Tim Wiltzius
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning:Design and evaluation of two use case scenarios
Geiger, Meier, Sikorska
Exploring Design and Usability Aspects of Collaborative Learning Systems
project thesis
Carola Meier
Konzeptionierung eines Group Awareness Tools zur Unterstuetzung der Social und Behavioral Group Awareness
master thesis, Advisor: Maria Fysaraki,
Korbinian Lipp
Motivationsdesign für ein akademisches E-Learning-System
master thesis
Onboarding Non-Users to Cryptocurrency
BA/MA, Advisor: Michael Froehlich
AI-based avatars for Learning: Creating a powerful package for Unity
BT/MT, Advisor: Maximilian Fink
Sandra Halbritter
A Lockscreen-Based Language Learning App
master thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband, Christina Schneegass, Bastian Pfleging
Julian Fazekas-Con
Improving Scrutability in a Personalized Mobile Fitness Application
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider, Malin Eiband
Diana Dybok
Your Data is Safe: Changing Mental Models of Ad Systems through Transparent Communication
master thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband
Xinying He
Learning Motor Tasks by Instructing AI Agents in VR
master thesis, Advisor: Dennis Dietz, Luke Haliburton
Marita Plafka
Enhancing Security Awareness based on Interactive and Practical Tasks
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Moritz Bader
Automatic Privacy Classification of Personal Photos
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca, Daniel Buschek
Sigrid Zänkert
Revisiting privacy-respectful photo browsing for smartphones
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Felix Tripp
A privacy-respectful photo browsing (gallery) app for smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Felicitas Buchner
Examining the Illusion of Explanatory Depth in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
PA/MA/BA, Advisor: Michael Chromik, Malin Eiband
Alexander Schmitt
A Proposal for an Interactive Machine Learning System to Extract Applications from Nanoscience Publications
master thesis, Advisor: Michael Chromik
Hai Nguyen Mau
Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning as Tools to Analyze the German Internet Economy
master thesis, Advisor: Michael Chromik
Areeb Kamran
Machine Learning for Business Analytics - A Framework for Data Transformation
master thesis, Advisor: Michael Chromik
Christoph Bessler
Framework for Designing a Fairness-Aware Algorithmic Decision-Making System
master thesis, Advisor: Michael Chromik
Raphael Kösters
Exploring Resting States of Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Benjamin Bisinger
A Touchscreen Keyboard Application for Privacy-Aware Analysis of Mobile Typing in the Wild
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Smartphone Users based on their Mobile Sensing Data
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Mustafa Muschtaq
Smartphone sensor data collection and model creation for passive measurement of sleep duration
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann, Ramona Schoedel
LLM-based Adaptive Smartphone Keyboards
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann, Thomas Weber
Interactive Machine Learning
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Deep Activity Tracking on Android Smartphones
MA/PA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Daniel Filonik
Developing a Dashboard for Real-Time Data Stream Composition and Visualisation
diploma thesis, Advisor: Dominikus Baur, Max Maurer
Co AR TV: Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluation einer kollaborativen Augmented Reality TV-Show
master thesis, Advisor: Simon von der Au
Sven Unnewehr
Utilizing Users Web Browsing and Search Behavior to Improve Website Revisitation
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Sarah Torma
Secondary Tasks on Public Displays
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Interaktionsverhalten auf Smartphones
Stress-aware User Interfaces in Virtual Reality
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman
Unobtrusive Stress Detection in Virtual Reality
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman
Self Perception in VR
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman
Usable Security in Smart Homes
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman