Prof. Dr. Alexander Wiethoff
alexander.wiethoff ät | |
Address | Alexander Wiethoff LMU Munich Media Informatics Group Frauenlobstr. 7a Room 456 (4th floor) 80337 Munich Germany |
Consultation Hours | During the winter-semester 24/25 Mondays 9-10 a.m. in room 456 Please note that I cannot supervise new BA/MA theses at the moment due to limited availability. |
- About me
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- Teaching Experience
- Professional activities
- Bachelor, Project and Diploma Theses
About me
2023 | |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff
Autonomous Agents Chapter contribution in the book "Media Architecture Compendium Vol. 2 Concepts, Methods, Practice " avedition, Frankfurt, Germany 2023. ISBN: 978-3-89986-393-2 |
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Beat Rossmy, Nađa Terzimehić, Tanja Doering, Daniel Buschek, Alexander Wiethoff
Point of no Undo: Irreversible Interactions as a Design Strategy In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 18 pages. (bib) |
2022 | |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Martin Tomitsch, Jessica Cauchard, Luke Hespanhol, Maria Lupetti, Ronald Schroeter, Sharon Yavo-Ayalon, Alexander Wiethoff, Stewart Worrall
Interaction Design and the Automated City - Emerging Urban Interfaces, Prototyping Approaches and Design Methods Special Issue in the Open Access Journal on Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland |
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Beat Rossmy, Maximilian Rauh, Alexander Wiethoff
Towards User Interface Guidelines for Musical Grid Interfaces In Proceedings of the 22st International ACM Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Auckland, New Zealand, June 28th - July 1st, 2022. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
2021 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Martin Tomitsch, Marius Hoggenmueller, Luke Hespanhol, Linda Hirsch, Beat Rossmy, Stewart Worrall
New Approaches for Prototyping Interactive Applications in Urban Environments In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale (MAB '2020). Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 28 - July 02, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Beat Rossmy, Sebastian Unger, Alexander Wiethoff
TouchGrid - Combining Touch Interaction with Musical Grid Interfaces In Proceedings of the 21st International ACM Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Shanghai, China, June 15-18, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
Musical Grid Interfaces: Past, Present, and Future Directions In Proceedings of the 21st International ACM Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Shanghai, China, June 15-18, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller, Beat Rossmy, Linda Hirsch, Luke Hespanhol, Martin Tomitsch
A Media Architecture Approach for Designing the Next Generation of Urban Interfaces Journal Article in Interaction Design and Architecture(s) - Special Issue on Immersive Technologies in Future Cities, 2021, ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998, Scuola IaD, Rome, Italy |
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Beat Rossmy, Sonja Rümelin, Alexander Wiethoff
StringTouch - From String Instruments towards new Interface Morphologies In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 9, 1-10. DOI: | Honorable Mention Award (bib) |
2020 | |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff
The Light-Shifting Display - Blurring the Boundaries Between Display and Luminaire Design Article in the Professional Lighting Design Magazine (PLDM, Chinese Edition), VIA Publishers 2020, Beijing, China. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Luke Hespanhol, Alexander Wiethoff, Martin Tomitsch
Self-Moving Robots and Pulverised Urban Displays: Status Quo, Taxonomy & Challenges Journal Article in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Special Issue on Pervasive Displays, 2020, ISSN 1617-4917, Springer, London, UK. |
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Beat Rossmy, Sarah Theres Völkel, Elias Naphausen, Patricia Kimm, Alexander Wiethoff, Andreas Muxel
Punishable AI: Examining Users' Attitude Towards Robot Punishment In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 179-191. DOI: (bib) |
2019 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller
The Ambient Display - Integrating Media Architecture Into Existing Surrounding and Structures Article in the Professional Lighting Design Magazine (PLDM, Chinese Edition), VIA Publishers 2019, Beijing, China. |
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Svenja Dittrich, Ferdinand Hof, Alexander Wiethoff
InteracDiff - Visualizing and Interacting with UX-Data In Proceedings of the annual conference organised by the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V.) and the German Usability Professionals Association (Mensch und Computer), Hamburg, Germany, September 8-11, 2019. Springer, Berlin, Germany. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Luke Hespanhol, Alexander Wiethoff, Martin Tomitsch
Self-Moving Robots and Pulverized Urban Displays: Newcomers in the Pervasive Display Taxonomy In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis), Palermo, Italy, June 12-14, 2019. ACM, New York, NY, USA. Best Conference-Paper Award. |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
The Modular Backward Evolution - Why to Use Outdated Technologies In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 343-348). Porto Alegre, Brazil: Zenodo. (bib) |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
StringTouch - A Scalable Low-Cost Concept for Deformable Interfaces In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper INT004, 1-4. DOI: (bib) |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
COMB - Shape as a Meaningful Element of Interaction In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 287-295. DOI: (bib) |
2018 | |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff, Andrew Vande Moere, Martin Tomitsch
A Media Architecture Approach to Designing Shared Displays for Residential Internet-of-Things Devices In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale (MAB '18). Beijing, China, November 13 - 16, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller
Designing Mobile Low-Resolution Media Architecture: Challenges, Opportunities and Goals In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale (MAB '18). Beijing, China, November 13 - 16, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
COMB - Form als bedeutungsvolle Eingabemethode in der Gestaltung Be-greifbarer Schnittstellen für Kinder In: Dachselt, R. & Weber, G. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/muc2018-ws05-0498 (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff
Giving Users What They Want - State of FL-UX Article in "Maize Magazine" Issue 08/2018. H-FARM S.p.A. Italy |
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Sarah Jenney, Michael Muehlhaus, Nils Seifert , Frank Petzold, Alexander Wiethoff
Escaping Flatlands - Interdisciplinary Collaborative Prototyping Solutions to Current Architectural Topics In Proceedings of the 36th ACM International Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2018), Lodz, Poland, September 19-21, 2018. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff, Martin Tomitsch
Designing Low-Res Lighting Displays as Ambient Gateways to Smart Devices In Proceedings of the The Seventh ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis), Munich, Germany, June 6-8, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Beat Rossmy, Alexander Wiethoff
COMB - A Modular Low-Resolution Display to Support Electronic Musical Pre-Education In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 24, 1-2. DOI: | Best Conference-Demo Award (bib) |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Martin Tomitsch, Alexander Wiethoff
Understanding Artefact and Process Challenges for Designing Low-Res Lighting Displays In Proceedings of the 36th SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). Montreal, Canada, April 21 - 26, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
2017 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller
Experiences Deploying Hybrid Media Architecture in Public Environments Chapter article in the Book Media Architecture: Using Information and Media as Construction Material - de Gruyter Mouton, March 2017, Berlin, Germany. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Heinrich Hussmann
Media Architecture: Using Information and Media as Construction Material In the Book Series - Age of Access - de Gruyter Mouton, March 2017, Berlin, Germany. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff, Martin Tomitsch
Sketching-in-Light: Enabling Hybrid Prototyping of Low-Resolution Lighting Displays In Proceedings of the 11th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - (TEI 2017), Yokohama, Japan, February 20 - 23, 2017 |
2016 | |
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Andrés Lucero, Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Alexander Wiethoff, Bernt Meerbeek, Henrika Pihlajaniemi , Jon Mason
Rethinking Our Interactions With Light In the international ACM Journal INTERACTIONS VOLUME XXVII. November + December 2016, ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff
LightBricks: A Physical Prototyping Toolkit for Do-it-Yourself Media Architecture In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale (MAB '16). Sydney, Australia, June 1 - 4, 2016. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
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Peter Dalsgaard, Kim Halskov, Alexander Wiethoff
Designing Media Architecture: Tools and Approaches for Addressing the Main Design Challenges In Proceedings of the 34th SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). San Jose, CA, USA, May 7 - 12, 2016. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
2015 | |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff
Blinking Lights and Other Revelations - Experiences Designing Hybrid Media Facades In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, PerDis '15. Saarbrcken, Germany, June 10-12, 2015. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Jana Gerstberger, Sven Gehring
StarLight - Exploring Embodied Interactions with Media Architecture and Large Public Audiences In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, PerDis '15. Saarbrcken, Germany, June 10-12, 2015. |
2014 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Thomas Bauer, Sven Gehring
Investigating Multi-User Interactions on Interactive Media Facades In Proceedings of the 3rd International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale, MAB '14. Aarhus, Denmark November 19 - 22, 2014. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller
Orkhestra - On the design of interactive media architecture for public environments In Extended Abstracts of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI'14. Helsinki, Finland, October 26-30, 2014. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Nassrin Hajinejad, Jens Alexander Ewald
Be-greifbare Interaktion In Proceedings of the 14th Conference Mensch und Computer, MuC '14. Munich, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 2014. |
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Sven Gehring, Alexander Wiethoff
Interaction with Media Facades Journal Informatik Spektrum Special Issue "Interaction Beyond the Desktop" Springer, London 2014. |
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Marius Hoggenmueller, Alexander Wiethoff
LightSet: Enabling Urban Prototyping of Interactive Media Facades In Proceedings of the 10th International ACM Conference on Designing interactive Systems, DIS '14. Vancouver, Canada, June 14 - 18, 2014. |
2013 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff
Designing Media Architecture: A Research Agenda for Urban Interfaces In Workshop Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Cities 8, June 30, 2013. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Hanna Schneider, Julia Küfner, Michael Rohs, Andreas Butz, Saul Greenberg
Paperbox: A toolkit for exploring tangible interaction on interactive surfaces In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition, CC '13. Sydney, Australia, 17 - 20 June, 2013. |
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Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Harm van Essen, Andrés Lucero, Jon Mason, Bernt Meerbeek, Elke den Ouden, Alexander Wiethoff
Interactive City Lighting In Extended Abstracts of the 31st ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '13. Paris, France, April 27 - May 2, 2013. |
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Sven Gehring, Alexander Wiethoff
Digital Light Installations: Connecting people through interactive buildings In Extended Abstracts of the 31st ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '13. Paris, France, April 27 - May 2, 2013. |
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Gregor Broll, Henri Palleis, Hendrik Richter, Alexander Wiethoff
Exploring Multimodal Feedback for an NFC-based Mobile Shopping Assistant In Proceedings of the 5th International Research Workshop with focus on Near Field Communication (NFC 2013), Zurich, Switzerland, February 05, 2013 |
2012 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff
Prototyping Tools for Hybrid Interactions PhD Dissertation, University of Munich 2012 |
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Kalle Kormann-Philipson, Alexander Wiethoff
Concept Development Article in WEAVE Magazine, interactive design, konzeption & development, Issue 04/2012 |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Sven Gehring
Designing Interaction with Media Facades: A Case Study In Proceedings of the 9th International ACM Conference on Designing interactive Systems, DIS '12. Newcastle, UK, June 11 - 15, 2012. Best Full-Paper Award. (bib) |
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Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Bernt Meerbeek, Jon Mason, Harm van Essen, Serge Offermans, Alexander Wiethoff, Norbert Streitz, Andrés Lucero
Designing Interactive Lighting In Proceedings of the 9th International ACM Conference on Designing interactive Systems, DIS '12. Newcastle, UK, June 11 - 15, 2012. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Hanna Schneider, Michael Rohs, Andreas Butz, Saul Greenberg
Sketch-a-TUI: Low Cost Prototyping of Tangible Interactions Using Cardboard and Conductive Ink In Proceedings of the 6th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI 2012, Kingston, Canada, February 19 - 22, 2012 (bib) |
2011 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Hendrik Richter
Hybrid Interactions on In-Car Touch Interfaces Workshop AutoNUI: Automotive Natural User Interfaces, in conjunction with the international Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - Automotive UI 2011, Salzburg, Austria, November 30th - December 2nd, 2011 |
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Hendrik Richter, Alexander Wiethoff
Augmenting Future In-Vehicle Interactions With Remote Tactile Feedback Workshop AutoNUI: Automotive Natural User Interfaces, in conjunction with the international Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - Automotive UI 2011, Salzburg, Austria, November 30th - December 2nd, 2011 |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Sven Gehring
Interacting with Light In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence - AMI'11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2011. (bib) |
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Hendrik Richter, Sebastian Loehmann, Alexander Wiethoff
HapticArmrest: Remote Tactile Feedback on Touch Surfaces Using Combined Actuators In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence - AMI'11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2011. (bib) |
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Hendrik Richter, Benedikt Blaha, Alexander Wiethoff, Dominikus Baur, Andreas Butz
Tactile Feedback without a Big Fuss: Simple Actuators for High-Resolution Phantom Sensations In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UbiComp'11, Beijing, China, September 2011. (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Gregor Broll
SoloFind: Chains of Interactions with a Mobile Retail Experience System In Extended Abstracts of the 29th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0228-9 (bib) |
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Sebastian Boring, Sven Gehring, Alexander Wiethoff, Magdalena Blöckner, Johannes Schöning, Andreas Butz
Multi-User Interaction on Media Facades through Live Video on Mobile Devices Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011 (bib) |
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Sven Gehring, Sebastian Boring, Alexander Wiethoff
Multi-User Painting on Media Facades through Live-Video on Mobile Devices In Extended Abstracts of the 29th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0228-9 (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Magdalena Blöckner
LightBox - Exploring Interaction Modalities with Colored Light In Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI 2011, Funchal, Portugal, January 23 - 26, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0478-8 (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Robert Kowalski, Andreas Butz
inTUIt-Simple Identification on Tangible User Interfaces In Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI 2011, Funchal, Portugal, January 23 - 26, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0478-8 (bib) |
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Hendrik Richter, Alexander Wiethoff
EdgeMatrix: Remote Tactile Feedback on Interactive Surfaces using a Shape Display OUI'11: Second International Workshop on Organic User Interfaces, 5th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI 2011, Funchal, Portugal, January 23 - 26, 2011 (bib) |
2010 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Andreas Butz
Process Tools for Interaction Design In the International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), 2010. ISSN 1861-4280 |
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Alina Hang, Gregor Broll, Alexander Wiethoff
Visual Design of Physical User Interfaces for NFC-based Mobile Interaction In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing interactive Systems, DIS '10. Aarhus, Denmark, August 16 - 20, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4503-0103-9. |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Raphael Wimmer, Hendrik Richter, Andreas Butz
Different Brainstorming Methods Within the Context of Physical Computing In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Technology for Education (T4E), Bombay, India, July 01-03, 2010. ISBN 0-7803-8977-8 (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Andreas Butz
ColourVision Controlling Light Patterns through Postures In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, Banff, Canada, June 24-26, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-13543-9 |
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Martin Hommer, Robert Kowalski, Bettina Conradi, Alexander Wiethoff, Sebastian Boring, Heinrich Hussmann
Creating Conversation Opportunities in Urban Spaces through Public Displays and Personal Devices Workshop on Designing for Crowds (in Conjunction with Pervasive 2010), Helsinki, Finland, May 2010 (bib) |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Bettina Conradi, Andreas Butz
Artifacts in the design process of pervasive computing Workshop Artifacts in Design: Representation, Ideation, and Process. 28th ACM Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010). Atlanta, GA, USA, April 10-15, 2010. |
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Bettina Conradi, Doris Hausen, Fabian Hennecke, Max Maurer, Hendrik Richter, Alexander Wiethoff, Heinrich Hussmann
Prototyping Media Informatics Advanced Seminar, Winter Term 2009/2010 (bib) |
2009 | |
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Alexander Wiethoff, Alexander Sorg
Entwicklung benutzerorientierter Embedded MMIs : Den Anwender im Blick 2-Page article in "Markt und Technik" Issue 49/2009. ISSN 0344-8843 |
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Fabian Hennecke, Sebastian Boring, Bettina Conradi, Sara Streng, Raphael Wimmer, Alexander Wiethoff, Andreas Butz
Interactive Surfaces Media Informatics Advanced Seminar, Summer Term 2009 (bib) |
Joachim Grützke (1), Tobias Schmidt (1), Hanna Schneider (2), Alexander Wiethoff (2)
1: BSH Germany, 2: University of Munich.
Betätigen eines Sensorbildschirms. Patent File: 102012210563.8
Teaching Experience
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2024, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Winter Term 2023/24, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Summer Term 2023, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2023, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Winter Term 2022/23, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Summer Term 2022, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2022, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Winter Term 2021/22, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Summer Term 2021, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping / Summer Term 2021, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2021, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Winter Term 2020/21, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping / Winter Term 2020/21, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2020, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Summer Term 2020, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and HFF Design Workshop 2 / Winter Term 2019/20, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Winter Term 2019/20, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping / Winter Term 2019/20, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer MISU MSC Summer School / Summer Term 2019, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TUM Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2019, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping / Summer Term 2019, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Summer Term 2019, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping / Winter Term 2018/19, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Winter Term 2018/19, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and KuMM Design Workshop 2 / Winter Term 2018/19, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer MISU MSC Summer School / Summer Term 2018, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TUM Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2018, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - User Experience Design I / Summer Term 2018, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - MPD Course - UX Prototyping a / Summer Term 2018, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - User Experience Design III / Winter Term 2017/18, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer MISU MSC Summer School / Summer Term 2017, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TUM Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2017, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2017, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2016/17, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU Design Workshop 2 / Winter Term 2016/17, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer MISU MSC Summer School / Summer Term 2016, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2016, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2016, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2015/16, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer MISU MSC Summer School / Summer Term 2015, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2015, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2015, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2014/15, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2014, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2014, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2013/14, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2013, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU and TU Design Workshop 2 / Summer Term 2013, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Winter Term 2013/14, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2012/13, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Winter Term 2012/13, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2012, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Concept Development / Winter Term 2011/12, Munich, Germany
- Lecturer & Tutorials LMU - Interaction Design / Summer Term 2011, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer Open University, UK - Hybrid Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Summer Term 2011, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Summer Term 2011, Munich, Germany
- Supervisor LMU - Sketching with Hardware / Winter Term 2010/11, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer Interface Design / Winter Term 2010/11, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Faculty University of Applied Sciences Munich - NEFF Design Workshop / Winter Term 2010/11, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Winter Term 2010/11, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer University Tor Vergata2 Rome - Physical Prototoyping and Usablity / Summer Term 2010, Rome, Italy
- Tutorials & Lecturer LMU - Human Computer Interaction 1 / Summer Term 2010, Munich, Germany
- Supervisor LMU - Sketching with Hardware / Summer Term 2010, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer CDTM Munich - Prototyping as a Design Process Tool / Summer Term 2010, Munich, Germany
- Tutorials & Lecturer LMU - Human Computer Interaction 1 / Summer Term 2009, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Lecturer LMU - Processing Kick-Start Course / Winter Term 2009/10, Munich, Germany
- Supervisor LMU - Sketching with Hardware / Winter Term 2009/10, Munich, Germany
- Visiting Faculty Designschool Kolding - Service Design / Winter Term 2008/09, Kolding, Denmark
- Faculty Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design - Graphical User Interface / Winter Term 2008/09, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Faculty Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design - Tangible User Interface / Winter Term 2008/09, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Faculty Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design - Video Prototyping / Winter Term 2008/09, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Visiting Faculty 180 Academy Denmark - Concept Blueprints & Experience Prototyping / Summer Term 2008, Middelfart, Denmark
- Visiting Faculty DKDS The Danish Designschool - Videoprototyping / Winter Term 2007/08, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Visiting Faculty Diginet Oresund - Concept Blueprints / Winter Term 2007/08, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Organizer Workshop on Interaction Design in conjunction with the Raffles College, Singapore / March, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Co-Organizer Workshop on Interaction Design in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Singapore / November, 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Professional activities
- Explorations and Prototypes Track Chair 7th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2023 (MAB), Toronto, Canada
- Workshop Chair Prototyping Next Generation Urban Interfaces in conjunction with the 6th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2020/21 (MAB), Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Late Breaking Works Track Chair 6th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2020/21 (MAB), Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Program Committee Member ACM In-cooporation Conference Conference Mensch und Computer 2019, Hamburg, Germany
- Program Committee Member 9th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis) 2019, Palermo, Italy
- Program Committee Member 5th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2018 (MAB), Beijing, China
- Late Breaking Works Track Chair 5th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2018 (MAB), Beijing, China
- Program Committee Member 6th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2017, Lugano, Switzerland
- Conference Chair 4th International Summit on Media Architecture 2016, Frankfurt, Germany
- Program Committee Member 5th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2016, Oulu, Finnland
- Workshop Chair 4th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2016 (MAB), Sydney, Australia
- Program Committee Member 4th International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2016 (MAB), Sydney, Australia
- Program Committee Member 9th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction TEI 2015, Stanford, USA
- Workshop Organizer Prototyping Interactivity with Media Facades / Connecting Cities Event 2014, Berlin, Germany
- Workshop Organizer ACM In-cooporation Conference Mensch und Computer 2014, Munich, Germany
- Program Committee Member 3rd International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2014 (MAB), Aarhus, Denmark
- Workshop Chair 3rd International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2014 (MAB), Aarhus, Denmark
- Workshop Organizer Urban Prototyping and HCI / Media Facades Summit 2014, Frankfurt, Germany
- Publicity Chair 8th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction TEI 2014, Munich, Germany
- Program Committee Member 8th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction TEI 2014, Munich, Germany
- Program Committee Member International conference on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2013, Adelaide, Australia
- Program Committee Member 2nd International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies, SMART 2013, Rome, Italy
- Program Committee Member Digital Cities 8, Munich, Germany
- Workshop Organizer ACM Conference CHI 2013 Workshop on Designing Interactive City Lighting, Paris, France
- Program Committee Member 2nd International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2012, Aarhus, Denmark
- Workshop Chair 2nd International ACM Conference Media Architecture Biennale 2012, Aarhus, Denmark
- Workshop Organizer ACM Conference DIS 2012 Workshop on Designing Interactive Lighting, Newcastle, U.K.
- Program Committee Member 1st International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies, Smart 2012, Stuttgart, Germany
Bachelor, Project and Diploma Theses
Open Theses
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Topics in Progress
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Closed Theses
bachelor thesis | Olfactory Drone User Interfaces |